Weather reports, please!


Well-known member
The beginning of summer has been quite underwhelming. Very cold and windy. Surely some records are close to being broken, especially yesterday when the temperature barely reached 20C.

EDIT: And I was right!
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We have rain for the first time in a very long time.
I can hear my almost dead brown lawn yelling with pleasure.
Where you live, though, it's either not raining at all or it's flooding. No in between!

Actually I am very lucky, I don't live in an area where it floods at all. We were one of the few places in QLD that did not get any flooding in last years floods.:)
Cold. No snow. What is the point of cold if there is no snow?

Yes, I know Pyro, I'll shut up now. ;)

That's right, shut up. Haven't you done enough damage already?


Well-known member
Windy. Very, very windy.

A bunch of trash cans got knocked over outside, and this one got blown out into the middle of the street earlier.


I just looked and it's still there ::p: