Virgins: Are you jealous of friends with sexual experience?


Well-known member
@freeflex you are 17, you have plenty of time! you sound a lot smarter than a lot of non-virgins.

petrified eyes

Well-known member
I'm not jealous when it comes to sex. A steady loving relationship: perhaps a little. I am however very jealous when people are flaunting chocolate chip cookies and don't bother sharing! :mad:


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member

PS: You can't have any!


Well-known member
What if you really wanted to taste chocolate chip cookies, but nobody would give them to you because you lacked the proper social skills and the media told people that everyone who didn't eat them were losers?

First, turn off your TV and ignore the mass media - they exist purely as a tool of commercial advertising. They are the tolling bell of consumerism - calling us to market by making us feel inadequate and then "informing" us what we should buy in order to feel better (until the next time we watch).

Second, you can learn the social skills.

Third, you could just hang around the bakery a lot looking sad and hope someone takes pity on you.
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Well-known member
I'm not jealous when it comes to sex. A steady loving relationship: perhaps a little. I am however very jealous when people are flaunting chocolate chip cookies and don't bother sharing! :mad:

Please realize that when it comes to anything chocolate I'm the greediest person in the world. I occasionally share, but it's one of the hardest things I ever have to do. So unless you bring the milk that I may have forgotten, get your own damn cookies.



Well-known member
I'm not at all jealous of my friends' sexual experiences because theirs just seem very careless, etc. But that's not to say that I don't feel a bit of a self-made rush to have sex with a someone I really care about.... though I know I shouldn't be. I'm 18 right now, and in my mind I sorta want to before I'm 19. I don't know why it even matters, but somehow it does, haaaa. So I can relate a bit.


Well-known member
Ah, yes, I completely understand that sex doesn't make one a better person, but a lot of my motive is natural sexual desire, especially when I'm apparently being manic. But I do envy people who are in long lasting and loving relationships, which is pretty much all my friends at the moment too.


Well-known member
The only people I have really ever known are my brother's friends. I don't really get nervous because my brother told me that it's not a big deal once you finally do it. He said that you always make it a big deal when you are a virgin, but once you finally have sex you think, "that was all?". lol

He always says that his girlfriends want to have sex more than he wants to and that it kind of turns into a burden when he just wants to relax. So, I don't worry about it.

One time I was at a party at my brother's house and I was drunk so I wasn't so nervous like normal. Some of my brother's friends were saying how they wanted to get one of the girls to have sex with me. I was super scared because I didn't want that to happen. First of all, I didn't really want to have sex with a girl that really didn't interest me. Second, there is no way I could get naked in front of a girl much less go through the whole process of having sex. I am so glad that it didn't happen.


Well-known member
^ thats just too wild.. Its like people are embarrassingly pressuring you into such a situation.. Probably id do the same thing as you did..


Well-known member
I'm 21, virgin, and to be very honest, where once losing my virginity was my top priority, now its the last thing on my mind. I really cannot be bothered anymore. There are more interesting things to think about and do than worrying about this silly problem everyday.


Well-known member
A little bit. Or a lot, depending on when.
I am jealous of my friends' happy relationships with their boyfriends, partners or husbands, and their lives, they seem to get it all together... careers/husbands/kids... But one promiscuous friend is always full of woes (she is divorced too, though I rather liked her ex husband too, I think she doesn't know how to appreciate a good man-??) so I think 'I am soo luckier...' Then again she is a drama queen and gets bored if nothing happens, so... hm?


Active member
I will have to admit that I am jelous. Being exposed to people's uninhibited behaviour and the lack of sex itself is giving me some pretty bad anxiety. After all it is a physiological need, isn't it? I am 19 now, and somewhat like lunarla, I would like to lose it before I'm 20. :D I know this probably mostly vanity and delusion of youth, but I told myself I would allow myself to make mistakes, 'cuz that's the only way progress can be achieved. ;)

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
Having sex or not having sex doesn't make you a better or worse person.

Sex is an end to itself - enjoy it (or don't) for what it is.

It would be like envying someone who eats chocolate chip cookies when you prefer oatmeal raisin.

It's easy to say that when you've had your fill of chocolate chip cookies though. ;)

I can completely understand how someone who has never been given the opportunity to try chocolate chip cookies, but hears everyone around them raving about how fantastic they are, might think that they were lacking the full human experience because all they've been able to do is sit eating cookie dough by themselves.

Of course, once you have tried chocolate chip cookies you realise that although they are indeed quite delicious, you're still the same person you were before you tried them and you still have the same anxieties, hang ups, and shortcomings. Chocolate chip cookies make you feel good while you're eating them, but they don't solve your issues for you.

Oh, and you also realise that the absolute best kind of chocolate chip cookies are the ones you have with a nice, cold glass of milk and share with someone really special. :)


I'm seventeen right at the moment, so everyone my hormones to be out of control, but I actually don't care that I haven't had sex yet. I still want to have the pleasure of dating a nice girl though.
Yes. I wish I could say that I wasn't jealous, but deep down I am. It's like these people have discovered a secret that I'm not privy to. Like i've failed to reach a major milestone in life. At 23 years old, I'm afraid I'll eventually become like Steve Carell in "The Forty-Year old Virgin"
When I was a virgin, I don't remember being jealous. Honestly, I think that depression and anxiety suppressed those kinds of urges- my hormones never seemed to be "raging" as a teenager- and when I did have sex the first time, I mostly felt curiosity rather than desire or passion for my partner. I don't think I even had a clue that I was supposed to feel like that. So I never felt jealous of others- just bewilderment as to why people were making such a big deal out of it.