Virgins: Are you jealous of friends with sexual experience?


Well-known member
i envy them, most ppl associate sex with emotions and all that, not me, it simply looks fun to me. I'll never pressure someone into it though


Well-known member
Of course I do.... when you have sexual OCD.... it's all I ever think about. I think the doctors were just being kind, they should have just called me a pervert instead. :D


Not really. My friends that are actually having sex usually don't talk about it with me so there's no cause for me to be jealous. Plus I'm usually happy for their successes in life, even though some may not consider that success. The only time it becomes a problem is if they're in the next room and I have to hear it. Then I lose sleep, and then I'm angry. >.< But you said yourself that you turned down opportunities so you're more of a virgin by choice which is a totally different thing than being a virgin because people think you're creepy or unacceptable.


Well-known member
im usually happy for them :) i honestly wouldnt want it to be me, its more me wondering how they do it. i can never see myself being with anyone tbh. its really bad. i keep picturing myself as being the clingy type ::(:


Well-known member
VERY jealous, yeah. I'm 26 and still a virgin. It's a living nightmare...I can't stop thinking about it and I do envy people who got over that milstone at a much earlier age. :(

It sucked being a virgin at 17, but now looking back 17 was nothing (I don't think I even thought much about my virginity until I was 15 or 16). Most women seem to lose their virginty by their mid 20s (if not their mid teens lol). Judging by posts on various SA sites even very shy girls manage to lose it quite quickly. I'm sure a good opportunity will arise sooner or later for you. Don't let it worry you too much yet. Make the first time something to look back on your age you still have that luxury. :D


Well-known member
When I was a virgin I was very envious because of the fun I was missing. The emotional connection would've been a bonus too. It was the more painful because I wasn't something that was so repulsive to the opposite sex, so if I put my mind to it I could've done something about it :(

The past is the past...


Jealous sometimes, but I think I'm just feeling that way because it's yet another thing that I don't have in common with the majority of the people I know, whether they are friends or not.

So I'm more jealous of the fact of wanting to belong to their 'group' and fit in somewhere. While my brain is telling me I'm good enough for who I am and I don't want to change myself to become someone who fits in the group of people I know, I still have this aching feeling every now and then. It's something I learned to live with but it still sometimes gets the better of me.


Well-known member
Lots of people in this world dont have sex until they reach their 30s or even 40s and they dont worry about it as much as people in other societies do... They dont feel disturbed or annoyed about it even if everyone around them is getting laid... I know alot of people, yes they would like to have sex and get this emotional experience that goes with it and no they aren't perverted in anyway even though they didnt even date... Things come on their own naturally are better than forcing yourself and tiring your mind about such things... Sex is not the priority in life..
22 here and still a Virgin. I get pissed off also when people try to compare themselves to me knowing that I am a virgin, I am inexperienced and don't know jack sh*t according to some people I know. They laugh, but only because their Insecurities tells them to. Everyone's insecure but people like that, that mask their insecurities with hate are messed up. Not me or you. So nah I'm not really jealous, just angry at peoples ignorance.


Well-known member

I'm not a virgin

I have a lot of sex

I'm jealous of anyone who has more sex than me


Well-known member
Personally, I don't think sex is a big deal. For myself, I'm more worried about the first time pain. I'm sure after I get past that, it wouldn't be a big deal for me. I've been intimate with someone, just short of the actual act, but looking back, I didn't feel much about it. Not much emotional attachment either.When things ended, we were sort of in a semi relationship, and he broke things off suddenly, no calls, text messages or emails, nothing. I was kind of upset for a couple weeks, wishing and waiting for him to call, but he just disappeared into thin air, lol. But after that period, as the weeks got by, I got over him pretty quickly, no sweat, despite him being the first person I was pretty intimate with (prior to that, I've not even held another male's hand) so I personally think sex shouldn't be an issue for me, with or without the emotional attachment. Most important is I feel comfortable with the person and then everything else would fall into place I think.

Sick Nick

Active member
Somewhat jealous. Mostly just sad about not finding somebody that accepts me for who I am. Though I could be more outgoing and take more chances in life. Seems like communication and honesty is hard for more than just people with social anxiety though. But it's really just letting people know how you feel at the risk of rejection. I'm dying to tell some girls how I feel about them but what is holding me back is social anxiety and just thoughts of she can do better than me, I don't have a drivers license or a car or a place of my own, she can do better than me. True love is somebody that will stick with you through thick and thin though. Just to support one another as you progress through life. Sex is great but not as important as love.


Well-known member
I was friends with guys who thought I was stupid for being a virgin. Made me feel left out even. They had sex a lot at that point. I was with a girl at the same time who kept trying to push it on me and I told her no. I was smoking a lot of weed at the time too. One day I smoked too much, and she pushed it on me too hard, and we did it. After that I lost all motivation to save myself and did it regularly with her. In the end I got genital herpes for life from it.

True story.

Humbly I speak, If anyone makes you feel bad for it, they're fools. Image driven to self-destructive practice. I hear so much talk about "thinking for yourself" these days. Though who is truly unshaken by the lives of others and thus molding a stable future for themselves? What will sex bring you outside of marriage? An unplanned child, an STD (possibly life-threatening), prison time in some cases. The upside is it feels good for a few minutes, depending. Which ultimately becomes addicting tbh.

Sounds a lot like drugs to me.


Well-known member
I remember being jealous of my experienced friends when I was a virgin. I remember this motivating me to get out and have my own experiences. Luckily, my friends were confident about their sexuality and were able to give me good tips. I hadn't kissed a boy until I was fourteen and I was still insecure about it until one of my friends reassured me that I kissed well.

Lost Girl

Well-known member
I can't imagine why one would be jealous of friends with experience. I just can't even make that connection of how you could be jealous of someone else's sexual experience :confused:. I was curious of what sex would be like for me when the time came, for sure, but I definitely was not jealous of others that had. That's a strange concept to me.. :confused:


Well-known member
I want to be in a relationship when I lose my virginity and so far the relationship part isn't going very well... or ever has, but I'm just 19.


Well-known member
Being a guy, yes. There are many different factors that play into my feelings on the matter. And I know many will say you should wait till your with the right person and yada yada yada but...

This isn't a subject I'm comfortable with discussing publicly anyways so that's all I'm gonna say unless anyone wants to hear.
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