The 2012 phenomenon..any believers?

The fact i'm hoping it's true is kinda sad...but for now i think its just in the mind of conspiracy theorists. Although i truely belive if such a thing were true (nibiru) the U.S Govt and NASA would try their best to hide this truth. But personally I feel you'd hear a lot more about it from amateaur astronomers that actually know what they are talking about, then these naieve youtubers and their dodgey B.S videos unfortunetly.
The theories do however strangely align themselves with my personal history or recurring dreams of the world ending and many preminitions of me not living past the age of 30, which is my current age as of 2012...but the only current 'proof" is a lot of hearsay of ancient cultures and sketchy tablets of the past.


Well-known member
I don't really believe it will happen, but I'm trying to remain optimistic. The world as we know it may not be destined to end in a couple of months, but we can hope, right?


Well-known member
I posted something about this a while back. My brother, at the time, was buying MREs, and tons of survival stuff, as well as stocking up on ammo and knives. This was over the summer...since then, he's tamed it down, thank goodness, lol!

Personally, no I don't believe it and you are right, there are a lot of youtube BS out there

I think if anything were to 'happen' it would be in the likelihood of some solar flare - even that would have to be quite massive.
we only have three months before the end

let's not waste precious time arguing when we could be doing something more exciting

Hmmmm, what exciting thing can we do for the next 3 months without having to worry about the consequences?::p:


Well-known member
I'm not going to buy any Christmas presents this year, and if people get upset, I'll tell them the world was supposed to end. ::p:


Well-known member
As I said in another thread its been raining for a week straight and my friend and I joked that its the foreshadowing to 2012::p:


Well-known member
Nope, don't believe in any of that or any of those conspiracy theories and whatnot. I really don't like the thought of the world ending, and I kind of attribute this attitude to growing up around a select few Christians who seemed to be... obsessed... with the Rapture happening (sooner rather than later).

If the world is going to end, I prefer the sun to just crash into the earth... millions or billions of years from now, when I'm long dead.


Well-known member
Re: Burning

Once the world doesn't end in December 2012, someone is just going to pick a new date for the "apocalypse". Same as always.
I think people like to believe in stuff like this because they just can't belive that their generation is not the most important.
That life couldn't possibly go on without them.
But It can and it will. :p