Something GOOD That Happened Today!


Well-known member
This is a tough one for me, let's see, I had some good conversations with my sister, which is nice because sometimes we are both a little quiet around each other (not a bad thing though). Otherwise, my other sister cheered me up by letting me vent to her via text and sending me encouraging messages. Sometimes it's really nice to have sisters.


The only good thing that happened to me today was that my oldest nephew walked to McDonalds for me to get a quearter pounder and a caramel frappe for free with coupons. Other than that I can't think of nothing else. Its should always try to see the positive side in life because if you don't then you're not living.


Well-known member
I donated to charity, I'm almost done reading my book and a new chapter of a fanfiction I've been reading came out:D! I'm feeling pretty good right now!


Well-known member
got a call from the Maritime Museum

seems i won a prize in the drawing i entered a few months ago

NOT the handbuilt wooden sailing skiff, unfotunately :[

i won a print/poster from a local artist - this one:


very cool!


Today, the dyalisis nurses didn't have to poke Motherwolff a whole lot. Motherwolff guesses that's a good thing. Motherwolff's fistula is truly getting stronger.


Well-known member
Apparently all the nice people here hang around on the weekends. One guy said hello to me in the elevator earlier this afternoon. I was walking to the library and the guy I was walking behind decided to tell me how he trips over the one sidewalk every single time (I don't know why haha, but it was funny. I've done it too though). Then on my way back I helped a girl get back in the building and she thanked me (people never usually thank you around here for anything).

That's more people I've talked to today around here than I usually do in a week. Even if they are small confrontations, they still feel good. :)
I've been cycling to the city with my girlfriend today and we have dine'd at macdonald, i felt more at ease, even though it was really crowded. I start to gain the feeling ''I don't know you all so why bother:) and I'm just me;)''

I feel much better day by day :)


Well-known member
I get veeery nervous when driving and after almost 2 years without touching a steering wheel I managed to drive again!
Not that I wanted to, and I know it may sounds as nothing important, but it shows how sometimes when we really need to do something we fear we find strengh when we thought we had nothing.


I finally got to talk to my brother and he's coming home for Christmas!:):):)
He moved away 6 years ago:(.
He's the only person in this world that understands why I am the way I am.


Well-known member
^ That's great Penny! :)

Something good that happened today... I'm sure there's something. I need to stop letting my negativity loose on this site, so I need to post some positive things for a change.

I finished typing up my Chemistry notes. Even if I still don't fully understand them, at least I have it done.