Shy guys


Well-known member
I'm not actually sure if I think I deserve her or not. It's a mix of multiple feelings. I'm not sure of myself, not sure how to interact with her. Once, she was hugging people, and then she asked me "do you want a hug too"? Then I said "maybe", because my mind was in panic, I'm not sure about myself. She was nervous too (I think), and then she was like: "oh, a maybe means no then!" and she walked away quickly. I feel bad when I need to do stuff like touching, or showing romantic feelings.

Because I'm scared something bad will occur, like for instance I stink or she says "just kidding". I'm really insecure. These things probably won't happen, but I just can't imagine myself having someone who loves me without seeing my flaws. My friends always push me to ask her out and to make my move.

I once was almost sure to ask her for a movie (in my mind that is). But then when I really need to pick up the phone, I just tell myself: nah I can't possibly do that. What if I do something wrong on the date, what if I'm too nervous and say nothing. It'll ruin our relationship for sure...

God, I wish I had some more nerves.

About the hug. Dont take it as a very big thing. It is just a hug. If you think, well it is just a hug, then it will be more easy for you to receive og give hugs. Your insecurity you have to work with to get better.

Dont think about what could go wrong. I am sure she would be as nervous as you.

But most important I think. Remember that EVERYONE has flaws. There is no person in the world without flaws. It is impossible.


Well-known member
If I liked a girl...I'd wait and see how she matches up with me. I'd see if she likes me back and then I may ask her out.

Sux to be shy lol.
keep it quiet. Return to task at hand. Nothing more. Sounds a bit harsh as I reread what I say. Have done it for years, it is not to change.


Well-known member
It depends on the individual. Some severely shy guys might be even more quiet if they find out a girl likes them because it makes them feel like they're put on the spot.

However I should think most shy guys would be excited if they found a girl liked them if they liked her back.

If he doesn't like her back then it would be obvious why they would not respond.

The guy might be indifferent and just toying with the girl if he already has a relationship or is not particularly drawn to her, etc.

The best thing to do is just try your best to be friendly and make conversation and see if he eventually comes around. Don't kill yourself but make an honest effort.


Well-known member
I have problems with signals and facial expressions. thats the truth. but if a girl gave me her number thats more than enough to ask her out to coffee.


Well-known member
When I like someone, I avoid them as much as I can--even if it's the case that I want a relationship with them. What you said would probally be a good idea. It would let the person know for sure that you're interested in him, and it wouldn't have the same amount of pressure as a face to face interaction.


Well-known member
If I meet a girl that I like, there is absolutely no way I could bring myself to talk to her unless she comes to me.

I need to learn to get over that.


Well-known member
First I would talk to them in a friendly manner without going for results straight away. This is also a good chance to find out if they are single or not. I used this approach for a couple of woman at work during a christmas party one year, turns out both were taken. Once you have some sort of idea on their relationship status, then I would just ask them out for a coffee or whatever without showing signs that I am overly infatuated with them. Two people having coffee is innocent enough, and then you will get some idea what happens after that.


Well-known member
Yeah the "problem" with life is that you have to take a chance some times and not all chances will be a success
you've gotta get in you mind that it is possible. Its okay if something doesn't go exactly as planned but you can't be afraid.

There r lots of chics on this site who feel just as you do...that makes sense.


Well-known member
I liked this one gal a lot in HS.. However due to my dumb shyness I went 2 years just dreaming and never getting up enough courage to ask her out.. I dunno if she liked me or not.. We went to school together since like 6 or 7th grade until HS. I realized I liked her a few years before graduation..

I do kinda regret it, but there's nothing I can do now anyway. I had no idea if she liked me or not, but if she ever said so or asked me out or something I would have acted on it. I was always way to scared of rejection back then.


Well-known member
I think a lot of the time it depends on how approachable the girl is, or how much interest they show in you. There have been a few girls in recent years I've fancied and it's probably showed - I smile a lot at them, make the odd joke etc but never have the courage to actually ask them out. On the other hand there's a girl I fancy at my workplace who I can't even talk to! ::(: It's also hard to tell sometimes if a girl is just being friendly towards you or actually fancies you :confused: There was one girl I really fancied a few years ago and I'm sure she liked me too, but I couldn't ask her out. But if she had asked me out I would have said yes! I try not to think about my lack of a love life otherwise I just get depressed :rolleyes:


Well-known member
you've gotta get in you mind that it is possible. Its okay if something doesn't go exactly as planned but you can't be afraid.

There r lots of chics on this site who feel just as you do...that makes sense.

It was more a help to others, saying like sometimes you win sometimes you loose and that is a part of life, but when you loose you should not try not to win again. That is what I meant.

I have a girlfriend/fianceé


Active member
I keep quiet unless I know for 99.99% sure she likes me too.

I want a relationship but I just have no way of getting the words out of my mouth. It's sad because I know nothing will ever happen if I don't say anything, but I just can't say anything most of the time.

I've never been asked out by a girl before and I'm 25. I've only asked out 3 girls in my life and 2 of them accepted a date and the other said she had a boyfriend(which I had no idea). If you can ask him out do it. I would love for a girl to ask me.

The crazy part is the girls I have gone out with were absolutely beautiful. The 2nd girl I went out with turned into a girlfriend and that was almost 4 years ago. I still have no confidence and am too scared to even go on a date.
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I would love for a girl to ask me out. There is one girl, in particular, at my work that I have really wanted to go out with for a long time. If she would ask me out, I don't know what I would do.
I would love for a girl to ask me out. There is one girl, in particular, at my work that I have really wanted to go out with for a long time. If she would ask me out, I don't know what I would do.

Don't ask either. Mostly too shy. Also feeling not polite. Doesn't help most do not understand me in Socialworld. Hmm, this one quiet he is. Perhaps wrong something could be.

There's ice in my glass.


New member
having social anxiety and being attractive is the worst. i find it hard to talk to girls i know like me. i cant count how many times i rejected a girl because i was scared. if i can somehow overcome this fear i would be so happy


Well-known member
Whether you're attractive or unattractive I reckon all this concern about whether someone likes you or not is a waste of time.

I just want to get on with the things I enjoy, and put all the pain that worrying about relationships has caused me over the years behind me.