Shy guys


Well-known member
I'd not give any hint whatsoever. I've never even suggested that I ever liked a girl.

If a girl comes up and tells me that she likes me, I'd either say, "that's very nice of you to say"(sarcastically). or I'd completely blank her.
But deep down you do like her right? What would break you into getting closer or even telling her that you like her??


Well-known member
I would just smile to her in the beginning, a lot of eye contact. Maybe if I'm alone with her I could talk to her and getting to that point later. I guess a number-giveaway to that person is always good.:)


Well-known member
well any girls i've had crushes on i usually stay quiet because i believe they'll do alot better which is very sad but i just don't know how else to visualise it...i'm not really self assured enough to be that confident to think that she is interested anyway ...i just believe most girls want a certain type of guy and i feel i don't fit into that realm or your average confident guy...


Well-known member
I haven't acted on any crushes that I have had throughout my life. I don't even give any signs that I like the person. If I noticed some girl smiling at me, I would most likely ignore it and do nothing, even if I was interested in her. Of course this makes me look like an a-hole even though I am not trying to be. People must think I am some emotionless robot or something.


Well-known member
I haven't acted on any crushes that I have had throughout my life. I don't even give any signs that I like the person. If I noticed some girl smiling at me, I would most likely ignore it and do nothing, even if I was interested in her. Of course this makes me look like an a-hole even though I am not trying to be. People must think I am some emotionless robot or something.

Hah, I'm right there with ya. Just recently at work some girl clearly had feelings for me, and I just ignored her. Even though I wanted and still want to get to know her, I just can't act upon my feelings. She even had a friend try to give her my number, and I just avoided the situation like an idiot. It's been years since I've had a girlfriend and it really seems like that wont be changing anytime soon.


Well-known member
Yes I liked this girl so much,yet I couldnt tell her,I thought she would be better off with someone better than me,so I never told her.
Yes I liked this girl so much,yet I couldnt tell her,I thought she would be better off with someone better than me,so I never told her.

back before I became a total recluse (I was 19 at the time) I actually said this to a girl I was seeing.

she was confused about that statement and replied "But I want you"

after that I just stopped returning her phone calls and pretended no one was home whenever she knocked on the door.

I feel terrible about it looking back at the situation, but it was a necessary evil.

I would definitely be hurt if someone did that to me, and I still hate myself for doing it.

I'm just not boyfriend material imo.
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Well-known member
well any girls i've had crushes on i usually stay quiet because i believe they'll do alot better which is very sad but i just don't know how else to visualise it...i'm not really self assured enough to be that confident to think that she is interested anyway ...i just believe most girls want a certain type of guy and i feel i don't fit into that realm or your average confident guy...
I understand where your coming from. ::(: Do you believe that there are chics out there who feel the same way?

I know I did all of my teen and into my twenties. I do feel a little better about myself however I've only had one relationship. I don't ever date so I still have issues. I know some ppl have never been in a relationship. Luckily, I was with a guy who never judged me. He was a decent guy who genuinely cared about me.
We were together for 6 years.. but I broke it off. I realized just because he was the first and only boyfriend I had didn't mean he was actually MR.RIGHT for me. Unfortunatley, life is like a box of never know what your going to get until you try it out. It may not be bad but it doesn't mean it is the exact thing your looking for either. It doesn't make it wrong or bad to try. :) It's an experience. You miss out on a lot if you don't try and I do have a lot of regrets. Right now, I am doing a lot more things and am grateful. I realize just how quickly time flys by.
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Well-known member
I understand where your coming from. ::(: Do you believe that there are chics out there who feel the same way?

I often feel that way. I'll meet a guy, get to know him and get a crush on him, but always think, "he's way too good for me" or "I'm not pretty enough for a guy like him" etc. etc. etc.

I know guys want girls to start making the first move, but in my experience, guys are often a little oblivious... They don't really get flirting half the time and for me it's way too forward to be like "I like you. Let's go on a date."
Also, based on watching some of my guy friends get hit on by girls, some guys can be really harsh, shallow and so mean. So it scared me off when it comes to hitting on guys. I realize some girls can also be all those things as well, which is probably what scares some of you guys off. But yeah... I don't deal with rejection well.


Well-known member
I haven't acted on any crushes that I have had throughout my life. I don't even give any signs that I like the person. If I noticed some girl smiling at me, I would most likely ignore it and do nothing, even if I was interested in her. Of course this makes me look like an a-hole even though I am not trying to be. People must think I am some emotionless robot or something.
I use to be the same way so I understand where your coming from totally!!


Well-known member
I often feel that way. I'll meet a guy, get to know him and get a crush on him, but always think, "he's way too good for me" or "I'm not pretty enough for a guy like him" etc. etc. etc.

I know guys want girls to start making the first move, but in my experience, guys are often a little oblivious... They don't really get flirting half the time and for me it's way too forward to be like "I like you. Let's go on a date."
Also, based on watching some of my guy friends get hit on by girls, some guys can be really harsh, shallow and so mean. So it scared me off when it comes to hitting on guys. I realize some girls can also be all those things as well, which is probably what scares some of you guys off. But yeah... I don't deal with rejection well.
Yes I don't deal with rejection well either so I decided a long, long time ago I needed and wanted someone who would understand me for me. I decided I only want to be with someone who has s.a.

I am at the stage in my life where I do go about my business and am looking for a guy who tries as well. I've had therapy and recently started back and am on meds again. I am doing all I can to overcome so I am looking for the guy who is doing the same.. That sounds very worth it to me. :D
There must be an s.a. chic swager somewhere :) Would you talk to a chic with s.a.? That would be a great start.

I'm not picky at all, whoever wants to associate themselves with me I have never really stopped them.

but the problem is that I could see how two recluses could just hide away from the world and continue to shut everyone off even though they're together. It's in their nature and a habit that is hard to break.

Being with a more outgoing person may be better for people with S.A

it's the yin and yang.


Well-known member
I'm too scared to even approach girls much less tell or show them I'm interested.

I seriously think I'm doomed to be a 40 year old virgin.

*saves up money for escorts* Heh. >_>


Well-known member
Shy Guys Please answer this question: If you like a you let her know or do you keep it quiet amongst yourself?(fill me in) I keep it quiet while looking for clues if she likes me back.

Do you want an actually relationship with this girl that you like very much??Very much so.

Your aware she likes you and you like her just as much.COLOR] What do you want to happen?
I want her to be aware too.

Please give your honest opinion on this topic.


What if I told the guy I liked him extra and sent him my number without him asking for it. Do you think that would scare a guy off for the most part or would he be secretly happy about it and scared to call?

I think a little of everything would be realistic.Because it's likely he's inexperienced,but you didn't point out wether he was shy to girls or just shy in general.So I can't say for sure.