Shy guys


Well-known member
Shy Guys Please answer this question: If you like a you let her know or do you keep it quiet amongst yourself? (fill me in)

Do you want an actually relationship with this girl that you like very much??

Your aware she likes you and you like her just as much.
What do you want to happen?
Please give your honest opinion on this topic.


What if I told the guy I liked him extra and sent him my number without him asking for it. Do you think that would scare a guy off for the most part or would he be secretly happy about it and scared to call?

Someone once asked Miss Manners, the newspaper columnist, a question similar to this. She asked if she should tell a guy she liked him or if she should just write it in a note. Miss Manners said to avoid the note, as she didn't want to be responsible for the girls humiliation when the boy showed it to the rest of the class and laughed.

The way you show your liking for someone is not so much with words, but with actions. Strike up a conversation with him when you get the chance. Invite him to lunch with you. Walk home with them if possible, etc. If the guy reciprocates your show of interest and starts seeking you out, then you know that he enjoys your company. No actual words are needed.


not actually Fiona Apple
Shy Guys Please answer this question: If you like a you let her know or do you keep it quiet amongst yourself? (fill me in)

What are you crazy!?! Keep it quiet amongst myself for sure. I propbably don't even know what I'm feeling.
Do you want an actually relationship with this girl that you like very much??

In theory yes, in reality...not really. It would be a bunch of pressure and I'm sure in the end I'd just end up letting her down anyway.

Your aware she likes you and you like her just as much.
What do you want to happen?
Please give your honest opinion on this topic.

Ahhhh, I don't really know. If I was sure of what I was feeling (never gonna happen) and thought she'd be happy (again...) I would want a relationship to develop, and for it to be successful forever more. :D


I've been too shy to tell any girl I've ever been interested in. I can't even understand my own feelings very well, let alone put something like that into words.
Kept it quiet, so much so I was not even aware of it.
I do not want a relationship even if I like and even without shyness, for various reasons.
Ignore it but be happy about but then ignore the happiness because other people will try to destroy it.
I have always been too shy too let a girl know how i feel.The few relationships i have been in are a result of the girl letting me know she liked me first.I'm trying very hard to change that though.if she gave me her number i would be happy but it would be terrifying calling her.


Well-known member
Shy guys get ignored forever.

I don't think they do. They make it very hard to get close to them and let someone in, that is hardly the same as being ignored. Because when it comes to shy people, the other person has to make the first step, the other person has to get exposed first and be patient and put in some effort. And still have to understand that as much as the shy guy may be liked, he may still not be able/willing/interested in dealing with it.

A lot of people prefer shy over loud people. IMO, shy people are far more interesting. They don't talk much but that is far from meaning that they have nothing to say. It is just a matter of despite being shy, giving someone the chance to get close.