Shy guys


Well-known member
if he likes u too, he will be happy and flattered. girls rarely give out their numbers, especially to shy guys.

he mite be nervous tho, then there is some pressure on him since the ball is in his court


Well-known member
Every girl I've ever liked I never did anything 'cept hold it in and do absolutely nothing. My current g/f had to approach me, and even then I was so damn nervous and she had to keep prying me out of my anxiety. It worked.... eventually. But she had to be one helluva patient girl to do that... and I'm glad she was.


Well-known member
Every girl I've ever liked I never did anything 'cept hold it in and do absolutely nothing. My current g/f had to approach me, and even then I was so damn nervous and she had to keep prying me out of my anxiety. It worked.... eventually. But she had to be one helluva patient girl to do that... and I'm glad she was.
wow. thats very sweet and caring of her. I would do the same!


Well-known member
Damn, I wish I was a shy guy, and not just a guy who to girls is seemingly outgoing but then actually silent and hell of akward when I attempt any kind of emotional interaction with them


If you like a you let her know: i would not tell her becasue i would fear rejection and i also don't know how i would tell her so i would keep it to my self.

Do you want an actually relationship with this girl that you like very much: Yes, more than anything.

Your aware she likes you and you like her just as much. What do you want to happen?: if i was a 110% sure that she like me in return i would tell her privately and would try dating her if she wanted

What if I told the guy I liked him extra and sent him my number without him asking for it: i would really like that becasue im shy and would see it as very brave.
I don't have much experience : / But I'll show interest verbally and usually get rejected. Now I don't really know what I'm looking for....I'd love female companionship day to day, but without the's difficult to obtain. And my hormones say go sex that one, but my lack of experience and sexual anxiety hold me back from casual sex. I guess I'm holding out for a chick I don't have to explain that too.


Well-known member
I guess I'll respond, even though I'm almost 2 months late on this one. If I like a girl I just keep it to myself anymore, for several reasons. Fear of rejection, fear of not being worthy, and because every time I've told a girl in the past I've sent her running. And I've lost several friendships which, at the time at least, I would have much preferred to keep.

If I didn't want an actual relationship, I wouldn't like her in the first place. And if I knew she liked me as much and in the same way as I liked her, I would hope at least one of us would take the initiative and see what happens. Actually, I think I've decided what I'll do from now on. If any women want to know how I really feel about them, I'll just be honest. But they'll have to ask me first. ;)

If the guy is too shy to tell you how he feels about you, handing him your number might encourage him to do something. But his shyness may still keep him from doing anything, despite how happy your disclosure may make him. Maybe you could ask him if he could ever see you being more than just friends?



I've liked plenty of girls but have never had the feeling of being liked back, so I've always just kept it to myself.


Well-known member
There have been times I'd be enamored by a girl and she showed signs towards me. But then the same thing always hits me: "Why would she be interested in someone like me?" I go over all my defects and supposedly walk away from anything I could have.


Well-known member
True, but I'm so convinced about it that I won't risk the humiliation and the blow to my already low confidence.

Yeah the "problem" with life is that you have to take a chance some times and not all chances will be a success


Well-known member
If you like a you let her know or do you keep it quiet amongst yourself?
More than likely if this was outside of the internet I would keep this information to myself. I am much more brave on the internet.

Do you want an actual relationship with this girl that you like very much??
Most definitely!!!! But referencing my first answer she won't even know I exist... she would probably think I am some creep that just stares at her...

Your aware she likes you and you like her just as much.
Well that's never happened... But if it did, then I would feel way more confident knowing that she likes me, so I would be allot more brave.

What do you want to happen?
Marriage ultimately... Of course some badly needed romance would be nice too... ::eek::


Well-known member
There's a girl, and she shows obvious signs. But I'm still not sure. She asked whether I'm in a relationship or not, and when I talk to her, she looks away and back, really shy (usually she's a loud girl).

But I still can't manage to ask her out. I'm too scared to do something like that. I've never been in a relationship either. I'm scared that I screw up, if I ask her out. And I'm just too emberrassed to ask something like that. Going out is scary for me, leave alone a date with a girl I like.

I'm so shy around her, and sometimes I don't know what to talk about, and it gets awkward. But when we're both in the mood, we keep talking for hours. I really like her and I keep thinking about her, but I always think I don't deserve someone like her.


Well-known member
There's a girl, and she shows obvious signs. But I'm still not sure. She asked whether I'm in a relationship or not, and when I talk to her, she looks away and back, really shy (usually she's a loud girl).

But I still can't manage to ask her out. I'm too scared to do something like that. I've never been in a relationship either. I'm scared that I screw up, if I ask her out. And I'm just too emberrassed to ask something like that. Going out is scary for me, leave alone a date with a girl I like.

I'm so shy around her, and sometimes I don't know what to talk about, and it gets awkward. But when we're both in the mood, we keep talking for hours. I really like her and I keep thinking about her, but I always think I don't deserve someone like her.

Try to ask her if she wants coffee one day, it does not have to be a date.

But you really have to get rid of the thought that you dont derserve her. That will definitely ruin your chances


Well-known member
Try to ask her if she wants coffee one day, it does not have to be a date.

But you really have to get rid of the thought that you dont derserve her. That will definitely ruin your chances

I'm not actually sure if I think I deserve her or not. It's a mix of multiple feelings. I'm not sure of myself, not sure how to interact with her. Once, she was hugging people, and then she asked me "do you want a hug too"? Then I said "maybe", because my mind was in panic, I'm not sure about myself. She was nervous too (I think), and then she was like: "oh, a maybe means no then!" and she walked away quickly. I feel bad when I need to do stuff like touching, or showing romantic feelings.

Because I'm scared something bad will occur, like for instance I stink or she says "just kidding". I'm really insecure. These things probably won't happen, but I just can't imagine myself having someone who loves me without seeing my flaws. My friends always push me to ask her out and to make my move.

I once was almost sure to ask her for a movie (in my mind that is). But then when I really need to pick up the phone, I just tell myself: nah I can't possibly do that. What if I do something wrong on the date, what if I'm too nervous and say nothing. It'll ruin our relationship for sure...

God, I wish I had some more nerves.


Active member
I often feel completely paralysed by anxiety in social situations, it doesn't really matter if it's a potentially 'romantic' situation. It can happen anywhere and anytime and there is absolutely nothing I can do.