rate the last film you watched


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The Hunger Games - 5/10

Zero character development, so it's just senseless killing from beginning to end and you don't care about the characters. At the end of the movie, you don't feel like you've witnessed a great tale of survival which makes you think deeply about our society, but rather a simple teen movie with a big budget. Also, many elements were copied from Battle Royale, especially the manga. The author might have said that she had never heard of Battle Royale before, but she's not fooling me.
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The Devil Within Her (1975)

Sleazy, cheesy horror flick with Joan Collins as the mother of a homicidal infant and Donald Pleasence as her doctor. Blatant rip-off of Rosemary's Baby and The Exorcist, with echoes of Edgar Allan Poe's Hop-Frog stirred in for good measure. Laughable killer baby effects, but extra points for gratuitous nudity. The scariest part may be Joan's hair. 4/10


Well-known member
Went to see The Campaign yesterday. It wasn't a movie that I would have picked myself, but the friend I went with had already seen that new Meryl Streep chick flick I wanted to see (which, btw, she said was depressing!).
The Campaign turned out to be completely different than what I expected and was really funny (and naughty)! It features Will Ferrell plus a bunch of the cast members from Saturday Night Live, kind of like how Bridesmaids did. I'd give it an 8/10. :)


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Mr. Nobody - 7/10

This movie was pretty good, but holy crap was it confusing. Just when I thought I had the pieces put together, another scene completely contradicted what I had originally figured out. Then I'd start all over again trying to solve the whole meaning of this movie. I have ideas, but never did quite figure it out.

Just saw "Surf's Up" -- great great great film. Like an 8/10.
^ I LOVE that movie. :D


Well-known member
I just want to say that I think it's funny that this thread is listed as off topic. If the topic is SA, then this thread fits. A lot of people with SA like to stay in and watch movies.

The Shrine: 7/10 stars

Very surprised by this one. I loved how different it was. I'll be quiet so I don't give anything away. You should see it.

Don't get bored, watch it all the way through. It gets better as the movie progresses.


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Wolf Creek 2/10
Despite how many people I know who actually like this, I just couldn't. There were so many chances to kill him it was ridiculous. Plus, I think the killer must have superpowers of some sort for various reasons that I won't go into, since they would be spoilers. <.<
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows. - 8/10

Better then the first one imo. I wish I had gone to see it on the big screen at the movie theatre when it came out :/


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Casa de mi Padre: 2/10 stars

I could see how some people may have liked this movie, but it wasn't my cup of tea.

I admit that I got so sick of the theme of the movie, that i stopped watching after 20 minutes into the movie.

I immediately didn't like what the movie was going for. It was going for that overly-simple approach with the cliche "loser brother who is really the 'good and noble' brother" storyline. The woman is with the "wrong guy" thing, all that stuff.

The problem was that it was too simple and that was supposed to be part of the comedy, except I didn't find it funny at all. In fact, it bothered me and made me sick of watching the movie.

Will Ferrell should stick to english speaking movies where he has American writers that can play to his strength....real comedy. Not to say Spanish writers aren't good. I don't really know much about Spanish movies. I saw Desperado but was that even a spanish movie?

Oh well, point is, didn't like the movie.


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The Perfect Host: 7/10 stars

You guys have got to see this one. David Hyde Pierce can act, and this movie was a very neat film with some outstanding ideas.

A lot different than Frasier, Pierce comes with multiple personalities in this one. Twists and a great backdrop.

I assumed a boring movie but was satisfied with it throughout.


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Shadow of the Vampire 8.5/10

I just couldn't decide if it was an 8 or 9. I really liked the theme of it. Who is the monster, really? I liked the comedy elements as well.
Super 8 8/10

I missed the first couple minutes of it, but it grabbed my attention and wouldn't let go. I was very well shot and funny and sweet. I'll always think sourly of JJ Abrams for what he did to Alias, but this is a good start in the right direction.


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Premium Rush - 8/10

went into it with low expectations. wasnt something i particularly set out to see. rather it was a spur of the moment, nothing better to do type thing.
i actually quite enjoyed it and was pleasantly surprised