rate the last film you watched

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
Some movie, the title of which escapes me. Some old guy with no nose chasing a younger guy who wore glasses. Anyone else seen it?


I thought it was better than part 1, which to me seemed to drag a bit at times and lacked momentum. 8/10.
I really liked The Descent. I thought it had a genuinely creepy and claustrophobic atmosphere to it, and I found the ending quite bleak and depressing. (In a good way, if you see what I mean.)

Eh. The ending was OK I guess.

One thing I forgot to mention, which I sort of said the opposite of when I first said about it, I liked how it was an all female cast, bar the first couple of scenes, and there wasn't any sexualisation of them, which was refreshing.


Well-known member
Watched "IT" last week, forgot to post what I thought here.

Good acting, good story, not especially scary, but more than makes p for it in other areas. Seemed to lag a bit in the last quarter, but it was made as a two part television miniseries, so I won't complain about that too much, I probably should've watched them seperatley.

Overall, 8/10, I streamed it but it would've been well worth the cost of a DVD

yeah couldn't agree more.

I felt the second half of the movie, especially the last quarter completely fell apart. The back story and introduction, character development and cast, especially for a horror movie, were all executed wonderfully.


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Miller's crossing 9/10

One of the best gangster movies ever made. Right up there with the Godfather.


Well-known member
The Imaginarium Of Doctor Parnassus - 6/10

Definitely a pretty weird movie, didn't quite understand it. I found the first half to be quite boring, but the rest started to get good. Then it left me confused. :p


Well-known member
I know my first name is steven - TV movie
10/10 amazing film- watched it today and I cried three times during the run! It's three hours long and I wish it was longer =D


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Wake Wood (2011) - IMDb

Pet cemetery rip off with the guy that plays Littlefinger on Game of thrones

A run of the mill low budget horror film. Ok to watch on late night TV when there's nothing else on I guess. 4.5/10


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Harry potter and the deadly hollows part 2 : 9/10
great end to an amazing saga, I'll miss harry potter ::(:

Transformers: dark of the moon 9/10
wow that movie is action packed and unlike transformers 2 the storyline make sense and the movie doesn't drag on for forever