Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

There are definitely no toxins in my environment, or as far as my house goes and the surrounding area, and also college. Work is a different story. I'm quite certain I'm exposed to lots of mold there, as I have been battling a terrible stuffy/runny nose for months now, but that gets better the longer I'm home and away from work
Well there you go, the mold at work could be a significant factor with your nasal/breathing. How's your eyes? Not sore/irritated? Any neck ache?. Can you smell the mold? Or can you see it? Mold is quite a serious toxin - its on par with burnt plastic.

* By "toxins" i am also implying allergens, eg dust mites which you might not be able to smell.

Aside from that, I haven't had any breathing "problems" until last week, and also some days randomly within the last few months. And those random days I'm also quite anxious and feeling scattered. These breathing "problems" seem to be just panic attacks sneaking up on me
Reacting to toxins used to make me more stressed. Who knows, the toxins could be stressing you out, and in turn those stressful thoughts are triggering a panic attack??


Well-known member
A quick Google search tells me that I'm way behind on my MCU.

Oh, snap, did I just give a speech about my villainous goals? Do I secretly want to be a villain and not even know it? OH SNAP! I mean, for real, that bullet list sounds like stuff I'd have to sell my soul to get and totally seems villain-like.

This actually makes a lot of sense. I also like Light Yagami and Makishima, some villain characters.

I'm messed up. lolz

Anime fan huh? Im a fan of Deathnote too. I just started Psycho Pass myself.:thumbup:


Well-known member
Anime fan huh? Im a fan of Deathnote too. I just started Psycho Pass myself.:thumbup:

Nice, hope you enjoy Psycho Pass. It's petty gritty / edgy / dark, so I can't recommend it to just anyone with zero qualifications, but there's a lot to like about it.

Oh, that's right, it's on CrunchyRoll now so I guess there's an influx of new people. Seen Madoka? Also by the writer of Psycho Pass and also on CrunchyRoll. It looks cute but it will actually destroy your soul far more than Psycho Pass will.

Now, back to world domination / godhood / etc. ...


Well-known member
I made a list of things I want.
  • I want to be perfect.
  • I want to do everything. So like if I eat pizza one day I feel bad that I didn't eat calzones. If I eat calzones I feel bad that I didn't eat pizza. I want to do all the things and not give up anything. I want to have my cake and eat it too.
  • I want to read every important book ever.
  • I want to look perfect
  • There's a lot of overlap in these things.
  • I want everyone to like me and agree with me or at least respect my opinions.
  • Basically I want to be omnipotent.
That's quite a to-do list. Better get to work.
My turn:

  • I want to be okay not being perfect.
  • I want to have my cake and eat it too, only with an immunity built up to the consequences.
  • I'm alright with not having everyone like me, don't agree with me...just give me honesty.
  • I want a better eye for all of the good side of bad every day.
  • I want a bigger bathtub...those kitten corpses don't just wash themselves down the drain. The ASPCA might already be onto me.
  • I want a friend that's okay with my sick sense of humor.
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Well-known member
Nice, hope you enjoy Psycho Pass. It's petty gritty / edgy / dark, so I can't recommend it to just anyone with zero qualifications, but there's a lot to like about it.

Oh, that's right, it's on CrunchyRoll now so I guess there's an influx of new people. Seen Madoka? Also by the writer of Psycho Pass and also on CrunchyRoll. It looks cute but it will actually destroy your soul far more than Psycho Pass will.

Now, back to world domination / godhood / etc. ...

LOL no I've not seen it, but now I'm gonna have to look for it. Yeah Crunchyroll is how I watch a lot of my stuff. Yeah those shows are dark, but surprisingly the thing that messed with me the most is Naruto Shippuden. I've not finished it all yet because it hits me in the feels so much I can only take a little at a time.
There is no such thing as "Freedom". :sad:

Unless you're in the world's top 1%.

I want my early childhood back. Being an adult and alone in this world is torture. :mad:


Well-known member
LOL no I've not seen it, but now I'm gonna have to look for it. Yeah Crunchyroll is how I watch a lot of my stuff. Yeah those shows are dark, but surprisingly the thing that messed with me the most is Naruto Shippuden. I've not finished it all yet because it hits me in the feels so much I can only take a little at a time.

For some reason I haven't gotten around to watching any of the "big three" yet. Heard there's a lot of good in Bleach but that most think it goes downhill. I've heard great things about One Piece but have been told that the manga is better. Naruto, of course, has become somewhat infamous for its filler.

And finally as an adult taking up a show as long running as these series is a bit of a challenge given that I'm at work so much. Maybe that's why I've tended to do shows like Madoka and Psycho Pass were there's essentially one season.

Maybe I should find a list online of what Naruto episodes to skip. Or maybe I should take the challenge and just go for it. We'll see.


Well-known member
And finally as an adult taking up a show as long running as these series is a bit of a challenge given that I'm at work so much. Maybe that's why I've tended to do shows like Madoka and Psycho Pass were there's essentially one season.

Yeah that's another reason why It's taken me so long. I've been watching these shows for close to 10 years now and Bleach is the only one I've come close to finishing. I made the mistake of watching all of Naruto, because I didn't know what filler was at the time. With Shippuden I've been skipping ahead. And I only watch One Piece if I need a good laugh. Unless you're just really interested in watching them I wouldn't bother because they're typical Shonen anime and are very predictable. It goes: Bad guy and good guy fight, bad guy transforms, beats good guy for 10 episodes, good guy gets mad and transforms, bad guy transforms into ultimate form, good guy either transforms a final time or wins using a combination of wits and/or friendship lol.

I must add that the only reason I said Naruto especially pulled on my heart strings is because he is a social pariah. His whole life is spent watching people from the outskirts and his sole motivation for everything he does is to find acceptance from his peers. That crap reminds me way too much of my childhood.
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Can't seem able to "take onboard" new stuff into my extremely thick skull. Like the fact that everything in life is temporary; i just can't comprehend it. Very disappointed in my spiritual growth; it just doesn't appear to be changing at all. :kickingmyself:
“Watch your thoughts, for they will become your words. Choose your words, for they become actions. Understand your actions, for they become habits. Study your habits, for they will become your character. Develop your character, for it becomes your destiny.”


Well-known member
Well there you go, the mold at work could be a significant factor with your nasal/breathing. How's your eyes? Not sore/irritated? Any neck ache?. Can you smell the mold? Or can you see it? Mold is quite a serious toxin - its on par with burnt plastic.

* By "toxins" i am also implying allergens, eg dust mites which you might not be able to smell.

Reacting to toxins used to make me more stressed. Who knows, the toxins could be stressing you out, and in turn those stressful thoughts are triggering a panic attack??
^ I've noticed that my "breathing issues" only tend to come around when my mind is racing and I'm feeling anxious, which is exactly why these "issues" are just a symptom of my panicking. I don't truly have any "breathing issues."

As far as smelling or seeing any of that stuff at work, no I can't. But I'm sure it's there. It's an old building, and it's not exactly clean either. I'm not the only one with nasal issues from that place. Every single day my coworkers and I are sneezing and sniffling, some worse than others. And it's always worse the warmer the day is. I'm not exposed to any other allergens either.

I didn't get paid today. Last weekend I had an issue where they missed my timecard at work. I turned it in late in the day, after all the other cards had been put into the system (I didn't know they filed them that day), and one of the store owners said he'd leave a note so they could get it into the system so I could get paid. He didn't. I'm sure he forgot; he really isn't a bad person. He had filed it away and it took the woman at the front office forever to find it. Plus I got filed as I didn't work for that entire week. Now I won't get a check until next week. Kinda sucks, kinda made me mad, but whatever.
(It's a small local store with only about 50 employees, maybe a bit more. How in the hell can you not keep track of people? I work nearly every day, it's extremely unusual for me to even take off more than 3 days, everyone knows that. Or so I thought.)
What would you name your current chapter in life? : AskReddit
What would you name your current chapter in life? : AskReddit said:
A new beginning, hopefully. I'm trying really hard to change all my habits that led to me having no friends. Trying to get more involved and social, hoping that it will eventually lead to social skills coming to me naturally. I'm really, really trying

Ideally that would be me, but alas it is not. My habits are way too entrenched.

Edit: or
Desperation: the final chapter?
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I wonder if some psychologists ever reach a point in there career where they realize that there are many people in the population that all of the common and long list of different textbook "therapy recipes" they get taught while learning their profession, actually don't and can't help?

Do they just have to then repeat the learned spiel to these people like a parrot, while knowing full well they won't actually help the person, but can't say that to the person because their job/pay depends on these people continuing to see them? :thinking:

Are they like the man who sold subprime mortgages before the GFC in 2008, who said afterwards that he "had to do it", because he had to pay his own mortgage for his family?