Well-known member
Yep, I was discussing the same exact thing earlier today and had to clarify that hahaI agree with you. The only people we need to concern ourselves with are those around us - our friends, family, people at work, people we encounter on the street etc etc. And these people should be judged on their individual personalities not just lumbered in with 'society'.
I'm not disagreeing with the idea that many people out there can be shallow sometimes, but I'd be very wary of worrying myself too much about what 'society thinks'. Society is varied and consists of thousands of different values and cultures. By making generalised statements about what we, as one person in 7 billion, think the rest of 'society' is like we only make ourselves sound as judgmental as the people who's values we are condemning for not being open-minded enough.
(and to what coyote said)
When I say "society" I don't really mean a specific group, I just say it because some people act according to what they see in others and I don't. (well, we all do to some degree, I live in a house, I wear clothes, I'm studying and want a job, etc, but I guess you already know what I mean
I don't have a specific idea of a specific person until I know that person well enough to do so.
I don't know why a lot of people behave the way they do and that's why I try to get to know them, their motivations, try to understand "why". Even after that, I don't think negatively of anyone unless that person deliberately hurts other people, for example. Any belief, any behavior, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone, is okay to me because I don't hold the truth, I just have my opinions.
For example, I know a lot of people who do that with religion (or lack of it). Christians who don't want to be friends with jews, jews who don't want to be with muslims, atheists who don't want to be friends with religious people, etc. I ask why and often get that it's because the others are stupid. WTF? I have my own views regarding religion too but I have friends who believe in God or some spiritual powers or whatever they want to believe. I like to talk about it and I'm curious as to why they do it, I enjoy listening to other's points of view and I'm perfectly okay at them not being the same as mine, I like to talk about it.
I have absolutely no idea why I ended up rambling like that, my apologies XD
I don't care if I'm not accepted by people who behave in ways I consider immoral, I just don't want to be part of that. I'm not going to accept someone getting close to me if they lie and betray and are shallow, hypocrites, self-centered, narcissists, selfish, etc
I really don't want to be accepted and included by those people
I'm not saying that what other people do is "wrong". I just don't act that way and I don't think it's the best, but that's just my opinion, I'm in no way trying to say that my point of view is the only correct one, sorry if it seemed that way XP
PS: I basically copy-pasted what I said in another place about this subject and put it all together so sorry if it doesn't make much sense.