Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


I thought the second one was the cutest of the lot. But yeah your right. Looks matter - of course they do. I dont understand why people seem to keep denying this fact.

How many unattractive weather women can you think of...? eh? Hardly any I bet... you know why? Because looks matter thats why. No one wants to watch a fugly weather chick.

Want to know why a good looking woman on the post your picture thread gets dozens of pages of comments while someone average barely gets acknowledged? Because looks matter. Your deluding yourself if you think they dont.

Have a nice day.

I dont mean to sound harsh. But this is the way it is. Appearances - no matter what you look like are a gateway for discrimination and preconceived ideas about people.

Perhaps if we were more aware - then looks *wouldnt* matter so much.

Oh and cash. Lets not forget cash...
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Well-known member
A lot of people seem to think like in that article, it's pretty sad if you ask me.
My solution? I ignore anyone who thinks like that, and I'm pretty happy about the results :D
I thought the second one was the cutest of the lot. But yeah your right. Looks matter - of course they do. I dont understand why people seem to keep denying this fact.

How many unattractive weather women can you think of...? eh? Hardly any I bet... you know why? Because looks matter thats why. No one wants to watch a fugly weather chick.

Want to know why a good looking woman on the post your picture thread gets dozens of pages of comments while someone average barely gets acknowledged? Because looks matter. Your deluding yourself if you think they dont.

Have a nice day.

I dont mean to sound harsh. But this is the way it is. Appearances - no matter what you look like are a gateway for discrimination and preconceived ideas about people.

Perhaps if we were more aware - then looks *wouldnt* matter so much.

Oh and cash. Lets not forget cash...

Um... was this addressed to me?

Of course they matter. That's why it's depressing. I just don't get the point. You grow up thinking life can be good, there's so much joy (for many anyway). And then you realize the terrible truth of how shallow everyone is. And if you're pessimistic because of it, that just makes you more unattractive and no one will have compassion for you, they'll simply dismiss you.

I know I'm being extremely negative myself right now, but I feel so hopeless. I really don't think I like this thing called human existence, removing myself from it seems like a stellar idea...


Well-known member
Saying "everyone thinks and acts this way" doesn't make much sense when the person who says it usually doesn't think and act that way. And thinking that we are the only person in the whole world, with other 7 billion people, who thinks and acts in a certain way is kind of egocentric :p


^^^ well - it was merely in response to your post. Not particularly addressed to anyone. But yes - Beatrice, I agree with you completely. Most people only have compassion for others with who they either identify with and see you as an equal in someway or believe they can gain something from helping you. Compassion is probably the wrong word actually... but in either case. People dismiss other people for incredibly thoughtless and shallow reasons - appearance being one of the main culprits.

I see it.... all - the - time.

Naturally no one will admit this - we are all perfect beings with sound judgement who never falter and make all the right decisions for all the right reasons.

Dont feel hopeless. I like your posts. But I hear you.

The article is very subjective - still - I feel that there are generalizations that are constantly fed to us - and then those generalizations get proven by how others react. It makes it hard to believe otherwise.

Oh and just in case anyone is wondering its Kim Kardashians birthday next week. Heard it on the radio. Pretty important news obviously.

I will shut up now.
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Saying "everyone thinks and acts this way" doesn't make much sense when the person who says it usually doesn't think and act that way. And thinking that we are the only person in the whole world, with other 7 billion people, who thinks and acts in a certain way is kind of egocentric :p

Who exactly is this addressed to?


Well-known member
I'm just assuming you are not shallow like the people you mention.
In case you were like them, why care? It's just part of the game, right?
And in case you're not like them, which I assumed it's the case (sorry if it's not), then why care? I use shallowness as an easy way to spot people I want nothing to do about. So if you don't think like them, just forget they even exist.

Edit: okay I just noticed my previous post could be interpreted in a rude way, but I promise I was just trying to help >.<
I'm just assuming you are not shallow like the people you mention.
In case you were like them, why care? It's just part of the game, right?
And in case you're not like them, which I assumed it's the case (sorry if it's not), then why care? I use shallowness as an easy way to spot people I want nothing to do about. So if you don't think like them, just forget they even exist.

Edit: okay I just noticed my previous post could be interpreted in a rude way, but I promise I was just trying to help >.<

Ah, okay.



But I dont suppose anyone else thinks that on the whole society in general is pretty shallow..? Illustrated on both macro and micro levels?

If that is the case - and we all seem to think that it is generally a bad thing....then why do we all do it and why does it exist to begin with?

It just seems very hypocritical.
But I dont suppose anyone else thinks that on the whole society in general is pretty shallow..? Illustrated on both macro and micro levels?

If that is the case - and we all seem to think that it is generally a bad thing....then why do we all do it and why does it exist to begin with?

It just seems very hypocritical.

Perhaps because we all want to believe this isn't the reality because the truth of it is too much to face?

Our primitive instincts are at odds with our more developed ones, such as empathy/compassion?

Just guesses...


Well-known member
Society, as a whole, says being shallow is bad but at the same time is shallow, indeed, but that's because society lies. People think about beauty a lot and say they don't just to look good in front of others.

Society lies, society is shallow, society doesn't give a **** about anyone else, so, in my opinion, **** society, I don't give a damn about what happens to society. What society says it's "normal" or "good" is total bull****, and believing that it is the truth just gives more importance to it and you will end up doing the same, just another sheep. If you don't like things how they are, grow some balls and get a personality. I can make my own decisions and I don't care if society says it's not right.

I care about individuals, certain people who think alike, who don't lie, who are not shallow, who don't care about what society says. Those are the ones who matter to me. The rest? They can **** off, I just don't care. And I'm certain a lot of people think I'm just saying this but I'm actually doing the same as everyone else in real life. I feel pity for those who can't be the person they want to be just because they're scared and who even believe that's impossible. I'm aware life is not a fairy tale, but just because "people" suck, or society sucks, doesn't mean that you have to suck too. Be yourself.

Went kinda off topic there, but oh well


Well-known member
just went out for my first cigarette of the day and heard the neighbours and my dad talking with the tree surgeons behind our garden, one of the neighbours mentioned my name after seeing the tree surgeons dart up the tree, this made me really uncomfortable. just wanted to finish up and get inside asap.
does my head in when they think I would somehow want to come down to the end of the garden and chat among them or climb the tree!? i'd be a bag of nerves.
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Well-known member
I don't know what to tell you, just stay safe. If you really think so, maybe there is a tip hotline where you can be anonymous and send in a tip?

well, if you sincerely believe it may be him you might drop word anonymously. and don't tell a single other person you did.

Well, I guess. I don't think I have to worry that much since the two people they robbed were 12 year old kids. But you know how it is with people my age sometimes. If they somehow find out I'll be labeled a snitch and probably get jumped.


Well-known member
Society, as a whole, says being shallow is bad but at the same time is shallow, indeed, but that's because society lies. People think about beauty a lot and say they don't just to look good in front of others.

Society lies, society is shallow, society doesn't give a **** about anyone else, so, in my opinion, **** society, I don't give a damn about what happens to society. What society says it's "normal" or "good" is total bull****, and believing that it is the truth just gives more importance to it and you will end up doing the same, just another sheep. If you don't like things how they are, grow some balls and get a personality. I can make my own decisions and I don't care if society says it's not right.

I care about individuals, certain people who think alike, who don't lie, who are not shallow, who don't care about what society says. Those are the ones who matter to me. The rest? They can **** off, I just don't care. And I'm certain a lot of people think I'm just saying this but I'm actually doing the same as everyone else in real life. I feel pity for those who can't be the person they want to be just because they're scared and who even believe that's impossible. I'm aware life is not a fairy tale, but just because "people" suck, or society sucks, doesn't mean that you have to suck too. Be yourself.

Went kinda off topic there, but oh well

I agree with you. The only people we need to concern ourselves with are those around us - our friends, family, people at work, people we encounter on the street etc etc. And these people should be judged on their individual personalities not just lumbered in with 'society'.

I'm not disagreeing with the idea that many people out there can be shallow sometimes, but I'd be very wary of worrying myself too much about what 'society thinks'. Society is varied and consists of thousands of different values and cultures. By making generalised statements about what we, as one person in 7 billion, think the rest of 'society' is like we only make ourselves sound as judgmental as the people who's values we are condemning for not being open-minded enough.
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Well-known member
What happended? ::(: I am sure you are neither of those

just feeling like a pig cuz I gained a few lbs. Also letting my fears take over again and being stubborn in general when people don't respect me I shut down. I am super sensitive to criticism. Feeling old because I am sore physically from a stressful day of activity(hosting a banquet of all things is huge challenge for someone like me) I feel not cut out for society blah blah....same as always.

thanks btw :) how are you??


Well-known member
By making generalised statements about what we, as one person in 7 billion, think the rest of 'society' is like we only make ourselves sound as judgmental as the people who's values we are condemning for not being open-minded enough.


we complain here that people don't understand us because we behave differently, that they assume we are a certain way that is other than how we truly are inside, and that they treat us unfairly because of this

does it then make any sense to do the exact same thing and assume we know what is inside everyone else, what makes them tick, and judge them all negatively and treat them unfairly simply because they behave differently than we do?

the trouble with saying that we "hate people" or that "all people suck" etc., is that the people we're talking to are also people - so, in effect, we're telling them that we hate them and that they suck, too.

how do we expect anyone to want to get close to us if we are constantly pushing them away?

do we expect them to have to take all the responsibility for relating to us?

where is our responsibility in the arrangement?

if we want "people" to accept and include US, we have to be willing and able to accept and include THEM


Well-known member
狼;649050 said:
just feeling like a pig cuz I gained a few lbs. Also letting my fears take over again and being stubborn in general when people don't respect me I shut down. I am super sensitive to criticism. Feeling old because I am sore physically from a stressful day of activity(hosting a banquet of all things is huge challenge for someone like me) I feel not cut out for society blah blah....same as always.

thanks btw :) how are you??

Gaining a little weight from time to time can be good, it means that your body does not think he needs to shut down and hold to what he got, leading to a future weight loss.
And there is nothing wrong with being sore after a tiring day, much better than being in bed all day ::p:
I am fine, got a few hours of rest before sleeping & new dreadful day, thank you for your kindness :)


Well-known member
Sometimes people can be amazing... That woman I know who lost her home and puppy in a fire... Well some of her friends set up a fundraising page for her and will be holding an auction all to raise money for her... The group now has over 700 members... Of course a lot of those are clearly fake people who will not help, but the effort so many are going through to try to help is wonderful... It almost gives me hope for the human race.

*EDIT* Just thought I'd add the news article about it.. There are inaccuracies, like the age of the pup - it was older than that, they've had her for about 6 weeks...’s-pet-killed-as-dryer-starts-house-blaze/
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