Well-known member
I have to admit...that sounds pretty freaking awesome.I ate pizza all day
Knowing what you want to do when you leave school is a really difficult thing to capture. College and university is the route most people take, or you could get a trade in something (or whatever the American equivalent is). I completely understand that you feel stuck. You're just out of high school, so you would be around 18 years old, right? You have a LOT of time to decide. A girl I know is just now going to university at the age of 31, for example.I'm somewhat at a crossroads with what I should be doing with my life. I suppose it's kind of just started, considering I'm fresh out of High School, but I really don't think college is the place for me. I just feel like I don't belong.
I understand that a college education isn't necessary for success, but it's so hard to go against the groove and just make a determined decision to drop out. Nothing a university has to offer will help me pursue what I ultimately want to do. The only reason I've started attending the college was because I didn't know what else I was supposed to do and this seemed like the common path. I know there are people who've gone to college and haven't done anything with their degree, so I don't want to have to be in the same position I am now, but with a debt on my back.
I feel like I'm stuck. College is supposed to be a fulfilling experience full of freedom and responsibility, but I feel like I'm trapped and wasting my time. I want to start my life.
Hep, sorry about this. It's just so frustrating arguing with myself about this without an outside opinion. Hopefully conversing with my mom about it will help.
Talk to your mum and see what she says. Maybe having someone close to you that you can discuss this with might reveal a path for you.