I'm still too scared to try those fish-eating-feet pedicures though!!
I hate how I let my mom take my good mood and spoil it completely. I offered to clean to entire kitchen, and she declined, but now she's trying to brainwash me that i'm doing this and doing that to be sneaky and do this or that to her on purpose. I offered to clean the kitchen to make her look bad. Yeah, that must be it.
Sorry... seemingly teenage rantings
Do you want to be the first to try eating them, Simpy? ::
And ewww parmesan... or parmeJan like some people pronounce it... fried-foot pasta bake.
If it hadn't been for you guys having the bright idea of eating strips of beef you'd left out in the sun for a year, we Brits would never have been importing beef jerky!
(Delicious though that is. Mmm.)
I like horsing around
I hate going to the dentist and/or doctor.
I like being alone but I hate the feeling of being lonely which I feel like all the time.
Same here!.
I have a fear that the doctor won't believe what I am telling him about.
I always get the sense that the doctor is under-examining. Last time for example, I had a strong suspicious that I had a parasite, so we called them to ask what to do. The only thing they did is write a prescription to a universal worm killer without ever requesting me to drop by or anything.
At the dentist it is the other extreme, where they insist that I make another appointment to get fillings ever time I go there. While my teeth are relatively fine. Which is good when you think about it, because they're obviously very concerned about their patients. But it does make me dread going there, because it's never just a ''let's get this over with''-type of situation. :/
I feel like that too, it's like I love being alone, but the fear of being left out or the idea that I might be pulling away from my friends just scares me.::
Do you trust your Dentist puma?
I find that having a Dentist that you can trust makes the dread a little bit more bearable.
Hay, me too.
My pony friend has to really strain to be heard. He's a little hoarse you see.
A poorly-looking horse limps into a bar with a bandage round his head. He orders a glass of champagne, a vintage brandy and two pints of Guinness. He downs the lot and says to the barman: “I shouldn’t really be drinking this with what I’ve got?”. “Why, what have you got?”. “About £2 and a carrot.”
Ok, so the last one wasn't really a horse joke, but my random thought is that I love jokes
Do you know what white music is great for? Dancing to.(A vj never forgets!:
^ Ugh, that's disgusting. I have one, thankfully nothing like that has happened. Usually I empty it right after, just in case.I'd hate it if my Ped Egg cracked open and all the dead skin shavings went everywhere.