Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
Kangaroo is my favourite meat, but no one else in the house likes it
aww, poor kangaroo!!! had no idea they eat'em??

Random thought > my brain is weird, I spent half the day at work trying to figure something out. I come home, have a rare wind-down ale, and the solution comes to me. Should I drink more? At work? hmmm....
hehe this is classic - solution comes when you least expect it :)
Maybe just try to wind down more at work too? Or add in times of RELAXATION to help with the brainstorming and finding solutions? :)


Well-known member

I am an absolute LOSER.

One day I'll look back and laugh at this.

Your not a loser. I bet lots of people join social sites to meet new people. Joining one doesn't make you a loser it means your doing something proactive to find new friends. Making friends when you move to a new town does take time.


Well-known member

I am an absolute LOSER.

One day I'll look back and laugh at this.

You aren't a loser for doing this - you may win out by finding a friend - or not - at least you did more than you were and actually effort to meet ppl in RL. It's natural to prefer meeting/knowing ppl the "normal" way - but the internets isn't going away this will feel better years from now, sites like that.

Anyways regardless of how it works out you're doing something which is better than nothing.


Well-known member
Thanks for the encouragment Lemur :)
I figure that everything is worth a go. When you think about it the website is a great idea - as I'm sure there are many people in my position. Hmmm we'll see how it goes. :)

With the way society is going these days, yeah esp in larger cities. Besides, it's experience, and you can use it for "real ways to meet people" later =)

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
I'd hate it if my Ped Egg cracked open and all the dead skin shavings went everywhere.

Didn't know what a Ped Egg was, so I googled and watched the commercial on YT.

Those people are rubbing a cheese grater on their skin! Their skin!!! :eek:

I am now trying to uncringe, but it may take a while.


Well-known member
I hate how I let my mom take my good mood and spoil it completely. I offered to clean to entire kitchen, and she declined, but now she's trying to brainwash me that i'm doing this and doing that to be sneaky and do this or that to her on purpose. I offered to clean the kitchen to make her look bad. Yeah, that must be it.

Sorry... seemingly teenage rantings


Fish-eating-feet.... pedicures??? :eek: My my, you English really ARE strange :D (jokes, jokes, I don't even have a clue what you're talking about ::p: )

On a separate and completely unrelated note.... saw an ad for the local equestrian show coming up soon. All the really rich and snobby New Englanders participate (it's their pastime, they have nothing better to do except lounge around on their yachts and go on shopping sprees in Marblehead and Chestnut Hill). We call them the "horsey folk", hehe. Or something like that. You can't get in without an invite. Oooooo. I don't like your stupid horses anyway!

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
Hahaha, yes this evening is the first time I'm trying it. It's my mum's. It doesn't hurt though! Surprisingly, it feels quite good! And my feet feel so smooth!
I'm still too scared to try those fish-eating-feet pedicures though!!

They opened one of those at a shopping mall near here. It was very strange to watch people sitting with their feet in shallow fish tanks, have their feet nibbled at. Not for me, I think. :)