i dont understand why diamonds are a girls best friend?
Well, think about it: they are easily smuggled from country to country (without paying taxes or such) if needed, a lot of value can be hidden in a relative small amount of weight and space... They don't de-value like securities, bonds or 'paper money'... This is one of the reasons gold has been gaining value (again) too... (Indian women like to keep money this way... in bracelets or such..)
In old days, women were not so independent and didn't have jobs, so they were dependent on what their men gave to them, which was mostly jewelry or such (especially if they weren't married)... And there were no state pensions or such, so sometimes people had to sell jewelry to survive (in the old age, when they didn't get diamonds from men anymore, or if their husbands died or they were expelled to another country due to revolution or such)...
Maybe read some history books or see some movies of those eras...?
It did become a synonym for 'materialistic' girls, but fate of women in old days was sometimes quite 'cruel' too...
I agree with Pips otherwise haha... Especially in cities at night, very likely!!
A doggie or some common sense can be a girl's best friend too!!