Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
You are better than them.
^ This sometimes runs through my mind after someone is rude towards me, but once I think it, I automatically feel guilty. :p

You're too awesome to let stupid ppl ruin your mood. May not be like a light switch but you can let it affect you less and less each time. Just remember everyone has their own issues and usually it's not personal.
^ Thanks. Yeah, I really shouldn't let it get to me so much. I don't know why I do, maybe because I've put up with it for so long? I really need to just learn to ignore and figure that they only say those things out of stupidity and/or because they have issues themselves.


Well-known member
i. wish. i. was. dead.

What?! No! Don't wish that! :(

Hey have you seen a movie called After.Life? Its with Christina Ricci anyways I recommend watching it. It may help on how your feeling. It's a thriller but it points out some key things that people just kinda take for granted. Well...never mind I just kinda spoiled the reason to see it but anyways if you happen to run across it maybe you could watch it.

My random is:

In Nov I will have an anniversary of 2 years :) then the year after that 3 and so on :) proud of myself.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
Today while working the drive thru had a lady say the "f" word to me while screaming, her face red and ugly. I just handed her the food, said, "Have a nice day :) " and she took off and threw back, "Yeah! You too!" Hmph. I don't care how angry you are, you don't blow up at the people serving you, and you DON'T swear at them.

One piece of advice I was given by someone who worked in the restaurant business - NEVER abuse someone who is going to be serving you with food. It's a really, really bad idea.


Well-known member
i dont understand why diamonds are a girls best friend?

Well, think about it: they are easily smuggled from country to country (without paying taxes or such) if needed, a lot of value can be hidden in a relative small amount of weight and space... They don't de-value like securities, bonds or 'paper money'... This is one of the reasons gold has been gaining value (again) too... (Indian women like to keep money this way... in bracelets or such..)

In old days, women were not so independent and didn't have jobs, so they were dependent on what their men gave to them, which was mostly jewelry or such (especially if they weren't married)... And there were no state pensions or such, so sometimes people had to sell jewelry to survive (in the old age, when they didn't get diamonds from men anymore, or if their husbands died or they were expelled to another country due to revolution or such)...
Maybe read some history books or see some movies of those eras...?

It did become a synonym for 'materialistic' girls, but fate of women in old days was sometimes quite 'cruel' too...

I agree with Pips otherwise haha... Especially in cities at night, very likely!! :)

A doggie or some common sense can be a girl's best friend too!! :)


Well-known member
my dogs face is turning white. he needs 'just for Men" LoL...

i hate to see him getting old. makes me sad. good thing he acts like a puppy still.


i can bare with taste of a dead cow. turkeys and chickens taste awful and gross :p
yay, i'm a pescetarian no more~ whooo
i wonder who else can i try eating now.
any suggestions?

Hahaha, this made me laugh.

Deer. Try venison :D


Well-known member
Finally finished my last exam and now I'm freeeeeeeeee!!

MY summer has begun :D

btw after the exam I went with a couple of (friends?) to a bar and have a beer. It was a little awkward at first but it feels nice to see that there are still nice people out there. They even invited me, as I had no money :D