Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member

(To placate Mr Walken, just in case he's reading.)


Well-known member
yay!!! :D


Thanks! :)

No idea what the 'walking signs' are though? :) Any hidden meanings or such?

Christopher Walken would like to have a word with you all.
Who is Christopher Walken and why does he give a damn?? :)

PS Tori, definitely scary. Way scarier than Willem Dafoe or that other scary guy (?)
References to unkown actors - subtitles, people?? please - did they act in a Japanese drama together or something like that?
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i dont understand why diamonds are a girls best friend?

It's just one of generalized phrases. A quite sexist one too. It suggest that girls would value their jewelery, plus the price, and the bragging rights, so much that they'd consider it a genuine friend. Never in a literal context, of course. But it does negatively, and incorrectly, stereotype the great majority of them as being greedy, petty and leaching individuals.

So yeah, it's not a very nice phrase.


Well-known member
I wish I wasn't so sensitive. I can be in a great mood one minute, until someone says something that's just rude to me, then my mood just goes completely to crap for the next 3 hours or so. ::(:


Well-known member
I wish I wasn't so sensitive. I can be in a great mood one minute, until someone says something that's just rude to me, then my mood just goes completely to crap for the next 3 hours or so. ::(:

You're too awesome to let stupid ppl ruin your mood. May not be like a light switch but you can let it affect you less and less each time. Just remember everyone has their own issues and usually it's not personal.


Well-known member
Ignorant judgement works both ways.

I didn't like my roommate at first because he was obsessed with Lil Wayne and can't do much except play basketball, but he's really not a bad guy.

He has a sense of honor that seems rare in other people my age.



Today while working the drive thru had a lady say the "f" word to me while screaming, her face red and ugly. I just handed her the food, said, "Have a nice day :) " and she took off and threw back, "Yeah! You too!" Hmph. I don't care how angry you are, you don't blow up at the people serving you, and you DON'T swear at them.

That's not all though. I also had three or four teenage boys in a car come through and order an ice cream cone. When I handed the driver the cone, he proceeded to squish the ice cream in his palm on my counter, while all the other boys in the car laughed their asses off. Then they took off, but I was so pissed off that I picked up the cone and threw it at their car, evoking more laughter. Grrrrrrrrr :mad: Immature ****s