Still in pain.
I just realize, that soon after I got my car, and got an income, was when I started getting bombarded with canker sores.
I've given some thought, and realize, everytime I occomplish something, have fun etc, I have to pay the pric for it. I realize, I hardly ever had fun, in a good mood without something happening, bring straight from 10 to 0, mkeaning in upset, embarrished or not so great mood. I hate when that happens.
An other thing to support I have a curse. Hard to prove it, thought, becuase most of time, I can't prove that something bad happened to me when I was in high spirits. If I'm in a good mood, there is always something to bring me down, always something happens, which is more than just a coincidance.
The canker sores are paying the price for the freedom of a car, having my own bank account, and income. I can't get a job becuase of it. I can't really get a house, becuase I only get less then $400 a month from the government for disabilities and my folks can't buy me a house becuase they don't have enough money. THey owe mortgage on the house and stuff. Everything has been planed from the get-go from this curse.
WHats in the cards is in the cards, what's not is not. I'm not supposed to have a job and have a house. Have a car and some income is probably the most I get, and I pay the price becuase of these canker sores. If I had a house, I wouldn't want to know what would be the price for that.
I also realize that I "can't" die. Well, I suppose I could. I've been in life threatening situations, come out fine, tried to commit suicide, for some reason I couldn't. COuld the curse be in control? Why would it want me to live so much? To suffer? If there is a Hell, Hell is 100x worse then whatever pain you have on Earth. Hell is for forever. SO maybe there isn't one, and if there isn't, then there isn't a God??? I know that we are all connected by energy and stuff. What is the source of it all, and how do we exist, like the planets and the universe? I tend to think about all that and it bothers me, becuase I don't have the answers. The curse wants me to live, becuase I either a) there isn't life after death, or b), I goto Heaven, which is somewhat unlikely, since I sinned, disblieved in God and blamed HIm, for my problems. I'm not religious, but I try to be sometimes, hopping for Hope and answers. Mnay people believe in God, pray and talk to hiom and say it works.
I got nothing against anyone who is religious (as long as their religion dosen't go against my viws), but I don't like when people bash on religous folks. I've been through some tough times, and before I gave any thought about Heaven and Hll (which is why I'm scard to do it), I somehow couldn't, no matter how hard I try. Coincidance?