Most people have better communication skills than me. People can say what they actually mean to say properly, I can't. I leave stuff out accidently and write the wrong words, every post and someone obsesses over it and geets on my nerves. When I try to explain what happens, someone says I use it as an "excuse". I hate that word. To me, an excuse is a lie to give a reason for what you are doing or saying. I am not a lyer. I really do have a problem and I'm just trying to make everyone aware, that what I say isn't exactly what I'm trying to say as what they think I'm trying to say.
They could ask me to explain better to make sure, if they don't understand me. It happened in many posts on very forum I ever been on. I have an inibality to explain or express things (at least properly). I would never say something to intentionally hurt someone. But it just so happens, that I comment I made, read out by everyone else, says I did, when in my head, th way I wrote it was completly different. Hard to explain when I mean exactly in the last sentence.
I have the communication skills is a brain fried 8 year old. That is not meant to be offensive, and and I'm NOT between the lines referring to disabled pople or calling them brain fried. I know people will read that differently, that what I see it is. I say horse, everyone else with think I say monster.
My communication skills are that of an 8 year old, give or take. My brain is friend, becuase it works less then how it used to. My brain used to work a lot btter, but over the past 7-8 years, it has been degrading. I don't know why. By degrading, I mean less and sturggling more. I can't understand things, like I used to. I have too much brain fog, and too much stuff being misconnected in my brain, due to Brain Porcess Disorder. I thing I made up, meaning that the brain is overloaded and can not handle everything. Not enough memory and process spead to handle it anymore. I'm like an obsolete computer. Running too many of todays applications on 256 MB RAM and 1GH processor, or something like that.