Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member

... I just discovered something called.... Nuzlocke challenge!


What is the Nuzlocke Challenge?

Let the game begin....


Well-known member
I got a message on a forum that someone will phone me sometime during the weekend to come and see me. I cannot stand to be in a situation like this, is he going to call? or not?, when?, if not, why not?

I wish I could relax. It doesn't matter. It is not important. So why this stress?

Roman Legion

Well-known member
Starting to notice I really do find solid comfort in vigilante movies and books.. Wondering what this means about me and wondering where I can find more of these books and movies.


Well-known member
Ha. :)

I wish I was better at applying make-up. The lady in the shop did it so well on me, I bought the products and all I can seem to do is make myself look like a sweating tangerine.
Keep trying and you'll get it, Twiggle. I sucked at shaving my face the first time I did that. In fact, I still do.

My sister graduates tomorrow. It's a 2 and a half hour ceremony. I'm bringing a book and headphones.
That is a looooong ceremony. Wow. Do what you need to to get through it.


Well-known member
Someone's trying to manipulate me emotionally and I'm really getting irritated about it although she never admits she does this. I don't know what to do.
I wish there were old abandoned buildings around here that I could visit. Unfortunately even if there were to be one, which there isn't, government would seal it tight and shortly after demolish it.

Small countries kinda suck that way, space is filled to the max and everything HAS to be efficient. Little room for free and pure majestic history. Museums are nice, but sometimes you want to discover and scout on your own behalf.

Roman Legion

Well-known member
Someone's trying to manipulate me emotionally and I'm really getting irritated about it although she never admits she does this. I don't know what to do.

If it were me, I would cut all ties and communication with that person.. But that is what I would do, it doesn't make it the best thing for you though.


Well-known member
Someone's trying to manipulate me emotionally and I'm really getting irritated about it although she never admits she does this. I don't know what to do.
That sucks, Srijita. If she's approachable, maybe you could let her know what she's doing is hurting you. You don't need to put up with that.

I wish there were old abandoned buildings around here that I could visit. Unfortunately even if there were to be one, which there isn't, government would seal it tight and shortly after demolish it.

Small countries kinda suck that way, space is filled to the max and everything HAS to be efficient. Little room for free and pure majestic history. Museums are nice, but sometimes you want to discover and scout on your own behalf.
Yeah, that would be very cool indeed! I would like to do that here, too. I hope you do get to find one, even in a smaller country.

See, Australia is humongous, so there's plenty of room for old, abandoned buildings. I would like to go to one. Apparently there's an abandoned prison in South Australia that is haunted, so going there would be pretty awesome.


Well-known member
If it were me, I would cut all ties and communication with that person.. But that is what I would do, it doesn't make it the best thing for you though.
Yeah, I'm considering it too. I know it might upset her a bit but I don't see any other way. This is coming to a point where its effecting me real bad. I can't take it anymore.
That sucks, Srijita. If she's approachable, maybe you could let her know what she's doing is hurting you. You don't need to put up with that.
I already did but she's in a very emotional state of mind atm. Its impossible to make her understand anything rationally.


Well-known member
Yeah, I'm considering it too. I know it might upset her a bit but I don't see any other way. This is coming to a point where its effecting me real bad. I can't take it anymore.
If you definitely can't handle it anymore, it's best you cut ties with her. It will be difficult at first, of course, but you have got to think about yourself sometimes, too.


Well-known member
If you definitely can't handle it anymore, it's best you cut ties with her. It will be difficult at first, of course, but you have got to think about yourself sometimes, too.
Yeah, I agree. Though I'm feeling awful about it cos really don't want to hurt her feelings.


Someone's trying to manipulate me emotionally and I'm really getting irritated about it although she never admits she does this. I don't know what to do.

There comes a point where you have to be firm with people, even if they end up no longer liking or respecting you - you are doing yourself a disservice and putting yourself through unnecessary pain. You have such a kind tender heart Srijita and I see it all the time in your posts - you dont deserve it. This is the kind of thing that will be hard for you I imagine - but sometimes some people just arent good for you, especially if that person is volatile and difficult to deal with beyond your means.


Well-known member
There comes a point where you have to be firm with people, even if they end up no longer liking or respecting you - you are doing yourself a disservice and putting yourself through unnecessary pain. You have such a kind tender heart Srijita and I see it all the time in your posts - you dont deserve it. This is the kind of thing that will be hard for you I imagine - but sometimes some people just arent good for you, especially if that person is volatile and difficult to deal with beyond your means.
Thanks Kia, I agree. I guess its just something I've to do for myself.