Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
Just copypasta of what I wrote on a health discussion board.

"Had my surgery 5/2/12 so almost a week ago. Left foot, 2 neuromas (1 incision.) The middle toe is completely numb, the inner sides of the toes next to it are also numb. (The numbness is expected and I know probably permanent.) The numb toe was cool to the touch and slow to refill with blood for a day or so after. I loosened the gauze that was packed around it per a phone call to the doctor.

Bandages have felt a bit tight and are my major source of pain/discomfort. They gave me a percocet before I even left recovery because the foot was bothering me, I now believe it is the bandages. I have not taken any of my prescription bottle of percs since I do not think the pain rates such a strong pill and because after I got home I had breathing difficulty after taking it. Have taken tylenol for headaches more than anything.

I elevated the majority of the first 3 days and if the foot has been up a long time even now bringing it down hurts and throbs into the toes due to blood rushing to the area.

The nurses did not put a surgical shoe on me because "it would not fit over the bandaging." The post-op instructions said to weight bear as tolerated but it is hard to do so in the tight dressing. I have tried it on the heel because the bottom of the forefoot is painful, I have hit it by accident a couple times and its made me jump, but I felt too much discomfort from the pinky toe along the side and a sensation of pulling on the incision. I have been mostly using crutches and hopping.

Under the dressings is kind of itchy now and my toes feel pretty squashed also I have a crease down the pinky toe side of the bottom of the foot due to the squashing of everything. Tomorrow I get the bandages changed, though I don't know if the stitches will come out then or at a later date.

Showering has been fun. :p Initially I sat against the long wall of the tub with my left foot over the edge (wrapped in plastic/rubber bands) and my left side to the spigot. Not too bad because I have a hand held showerhead. My mother found my departed great-grandmother's shower chair though so I have been experimenting with that since. Showering less often due to relative difficulty of doing so and not wanting to chance getting the foot wet somehow.

I am hoping everything looks good tomorrow and that I can get this surgical shoe I keep hearing about, would like to be more mobile. Crutches are really not a great solution for me, my house has many narrow areas making them hard to use."


Well-known member
feeling lonely, but at the same time not as deep depressed as usual. its awkward to give new persons your Facebook, and they see you don't have any photos of yourself, or actually any photo in your profile. i fell really worthless then.

a Person i know from little, who was with me many years in the same sports club, asked me how i was(we didn't talk for 3years) and what i was doing. i told him what i did, and then he asked me if i had already made friends , I'm sure he asked that because he didn't see any Facebook fotos of me. i said yes and logged out. :(


Well-known member
If you're talking about what I think you're talking about... I think you may be wrong about one aspect of it.

Besides that though, I don't think it is right for anyone to make fun of you for needing help or offering it to others. I certainly hope you don't think I think that of you, because I don't.

If I'm not even on the same page just ignore me.
Don't worry, it wasn't about you, it was more like a general statement.

I know I can be an attention whore a lot of times, it's something I'm proud of, but I am very emotional, for both good and bad, so some people get annoyed when I'm either happy or sad because I'm very open (I used to be very closed and private lol) and I guess I talk to people that don't care just because they are there :p

I guess those people are right that I should keep some things to myself but still I dislike the mocking >.>

Anyway, my point is: don't worry, it wasn't about you, you're cool ::p:


Well-known member
And this is exactly why my ex is my ex.

Once again he's lashing out at me when he's jealous at me for being able to do something he can't, as if it's my fault. Every damn time. Rather then coming to terms with negative things, he has to bring down others with him. And he wonders why damn near nobody likes him.

Can't stand that kind of immature crap.
And that's why I'm glad your ex is your ex.

And if he keeps annoying you, just fight your ex with your axe mwahahahaha (don't, but you can threaten him with your Portal turret).


Well-known member
Is the forum for anyone "sandwiched" like this? :( I don't like it :(

Yeah! It is for me too. I am not liking it either.
Me too! Booo me don't like.

I'm hungry and spamming this thread, so I will stop now and eat something :p


Well-known member
Hmmmm - mine only has minor "sandwiching" - like about 1/2 inch on each side. Does it depend on the browser you're using? I'm on Firefox.


Well-known member
I can never get new soap dispensers to work, the bit you are supposed to push down just doesn't move. Doesn't matter what I do with it: up, down, left, right, unscrew it, screw it in again... hate them.


Well-known member
How to lose another friend? Yeah, I know that.
I wish I could have my friend back. Or at least know that it's going okay.
Just remembering...

I like how my new avatar doesn't fit at all.


Well-known member
I got a job interview tomorrow!!!!!!!

The huge letters are absolutely necessary, by the way.
The job is Chipotle, not my dream job, but I'm happy either way if I get it.I'm pretty scared, as you all could guess, but I'm gonna go in there with the best attitude I can and see what happens.:)