Well-known member
Oh! Thank you for reminding me! Ends tonight here, too.Daylight Saving ends tonight as all the sunshine slides up north.
Oh! Thank you for reminding me! Ends tonight here, too.Daylight Saving ends tonight as all the sunshine slides up north.
Daylight Saving ends tonight as all the sunshine slides up north.
Daylight Saving ends tonight as all the sunshine slides up north.
Advertising should be illegal!!! Especially on the road, today I was driving on the highway and was looking at a huge billboard while noticing right after it, there was a road sign saying: Distracted Driving Laws in Effect. WTF? How is this big ass billboard not a distraction? But its everywhere!! I hate ads, I don't even have cable because I can't stand watching commercials. I go to hockey games now and you can tell when there's a TV commercial going on, all the players skate to the bench while the ice girls come out and clean up the loose snow on the ice. Like come on!!!! That's practically a given time out which is bull!!! I pretty much barely use youtube anymore because of those stupid ads. i can't handle it!! They've even got me now while Im taking a leak in a public washroom with those ridiculous ads above the urinals. It's everywhere, I can't get away no matter how hard I try!! I listen to the radio and the announcer no longer makes any sense when half the sentence is about the news while the second half is about how this news was brought to you by CRACK!! Pretty soon, you will be stopped at a red light downtown, then you look up and see the "No Left Turns on a Red" sign, while there's a Coke ad sitting right under it. The traffic lights will no longer just shine green or red to tell us to go or not, soon they will be saying, "Green! Go, to Walmart" or "Red! No, you may not go to your local health food store". I just freakin hate ads Butthead, ahhhhhhhh
*throws a Beavis spazz attack*
Please, watch. This is feeling
Please, watch. This is feeling
I totally get your frustration. You should install the add-on AdBlock plus for Firefox, it completely block ads on YouTube, including the ones that start at the beginning of the video.
I don't like the feeling that people are constantly trying to lure me into buying something. If they made product that were actually good perhaps they wouldn't need as much advertising.
...Soon there shall be Commercial Day. Everyone will walk around yelling, Merry Commercial Day...
i think that's December 25th
Advertising should be illegal!!!
Like come on!!!! That's practically a given time out which is bull!!! I pretty much barely use youtube anymore because of those stupid ads. i can't handle it!!
I feel your pain drummer. When I attempt to drive, which I can barely do because I get distracted easily, anything with a billboard makes me lose my concentration. The only advertising I like is when I went to New York City the lights are beautiful but the amount of advertising is pathetic.
And as for YouTube, I love when you're so pumped to listen to a song you're in the zone to rock out to it and then a commercial pops up before the song and it ruins it ... haha.![]()