Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I feel frightened. I've seen what happiness truly is, and I want more of it, and I fear losing it. With my anxiety, I have a sense of foreboding, that the last four years in which I have experienced happiness could be the eye of the hurricane. It's like I am teetering on a knife-edge, and it really depends on which way I turn my thoughts to the positive or the negative on which way I will fall. On how I respond to circumstance should I lose my job, should I get ill again.

I fear slipping into another dark time. 2005 in particular was one big dark abyss. I didn't emerge from that abyss until June 2008. The dark times seem to jump up and bite me when I am least expecting them.

For about ten years I rode a roller coaster with some windows of calm and huge spectacular crashes. I don't want to visit another one of those crashes.
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Well-known member
I was hoping for a big 10 hours of sleep today. Instead my dad decides to vacuum and I get 6. -_- Looks like an early night tonight or a nap sometime during the day.
I was hoping for a big 10 hours of sleep today. Instead my dad decides to vacuum and I get 6. -_- Looks like an early night tonight or a nap sometime during the day.

Could you add that to your list of "Reasons to save money so I can afford to get my own place" :D;)


Well-known member
Oh my freakin god!!! Our furnace broke the other day and the past couple days we had some randoms come in and check it out, so apparently our whole system needs to be replaced, ducts and everything. And apparently it will cost $25,000 :eek::eek:!!! Thank god we're renting lol.

I can scent a rent increase a comin :rolleyes:
I just reorganized all my clothes. My fall/winter clothes are stored away now, and my spring/summer clothes are hanging up. :)

I was starting to think we weren't going to have a spring. It seems like it went from late winter to mid summer in no time. I'm glad spring decided to show up.

I hope that if they have to annoy you with it, they at least play ''Silent Night'' too, just for the irony of it.

Or "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen." (Although I have been known to break out into the female part of "Baby It's Cold Outside" at any given time. ;))


Well-known member
You never really realize how hard a metal door is until you punch it. Ouch.

On another note though... I have no thoughts today. :eek:
Though, actually I'm thinking about the weekend. Glad it's here.


Well-known member
You never really realize how hard a metal door is until you punch it. Ouch.

On another note though... I have no thoughts today. :eek:
Though, actually I'm thinking about the weekend. Glad it's here.
Why did you punch a metal door?


Well-known member
Anger got the best of me. Friend at school did something mean to me and just the thing that set it off was somebody told me a gruesome story I didn't want to hear.
Oh, I'm sorry. ::(: My inbox is open if you need it.
Anger got the best of me. Friend at school did something mean to me and just the thing that set it off was somebody told me a gruesome story I didn't want to hear.

Sorry you had a "friend" do something mean to you Iluv. That really sucks :s ((Hugs))


Well-known member
Anger got the best of me. Friend at school did something mean to me and just the thing that set it off was somebody told me a gruesome story I didn't want to hear.

^I've my friends doing mean things to me a lot of times. It really sucks. I hope you feel better soon Iluv. *hugs*