Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
*messes hair back up after patting*

He's been slowly unpacking more and more since he officially became my "roommate." At first it was just boxes of stuff, and then after winter break half the boxes were unpacked, which I assumed was done by Santa's elves. Now He just brought up more things, including an Xbox and a flat screen tv, and told his lady friend he'd be unpacking more...This could be the end :eek:
vj, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to sabotage your roommate's unpacking. This message will explode in 5 seconds.
I'm having a good day today, I've managed to stay in a good mood mostly. That's a heck of a feat for me.

Dissidia: Final Fantasy OST - Cosmos Victory Fanfare - YouTube
:D! Go you! Keep it up!
I spent half of my therapist appointment taking about taser guns, pepper spray, and rubber bullets with my therapist, who is also a cop. It was very interesting. I wanted to be a cop when I was a kid. I also didn't really have anything to talk about and I think she sensed that I just wanted to talk to someone, but not about anything really important. It was really nice.


not actually Fiona Apple
vj, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to sabotage your roommate's unpacking. This message will explode in 5 seconds.

*Blows up after taking more than 5 seconds to read the message*

Well I don't have to worry about a roommate now ::p:


Well-known member
i have never expressed this feeling to anyone other than myself but recently it has just been too much and i just can't deal. Since the summer after junior year in high school i have had doubts concerning my sexuality. I don't know what i seek in like concerning relationships, and perhaps this is why i run away from anything that becomes too intimate, i just simply can't deal, and these thoughts are always at the back of my mind. I wish i did not overanalyze everything and just let things fall where they may, but since i am such an idiot with my feelings i can't to this. i can't get close to anyone, not even myself until i realize what it is exactly that i want. I honestly do no care anymore, i just felt i needed to get this off my chest. if anyone has any input or similar experiences,it would be greatly appreciated, i just feel very confused and depressed right now.


Well-known member
Ugh... got an awful cold.
Colds are no good. I hope you feel better soon.

i have never expressed this feeling to anyone other than myself but recently it has just been too much and i just can't deal. Since the summer after junior year in high school i have had doubts concerning my sexuality. I don't know what i seek in like concerning relationships, and perhaps this is why i run away from anything that becomes too intimate, i just simply can't deal, and these thoughts are always at the back of my mind. I wish i did not overanalyze everything and just let things fall where they may, but since i am such an idiot with my feelings i can't to this. i can't get close to anyone, not even myself until i realize what it is exactly that i want. I honestly do no care anymore, i just felt i needed to get this off my chest. if anyone has any input or similar experiences,it would be greatly appreciated, i just feel very confused and depressed right now.
I think this is one thing you should sit down and consider. Do you actually find girls attractive or is this one thing you've thought might be the answer? I have once thought I was homosexual because of my virginity and intimacy issues but when I look at it rationally it's not the case.

I'm not saying you're not homosexual, but I'm saying you should consider what you truly want.


Well-known member
Yet another person I was getting close to vanished from my life. I can't connect with anyone... I wonder why people don't want to talk things before doing something like that. I'l like to have communicative people as friends.

Today at class I started hyperventilating, shaking, people were looking at me, it got worse, my stomach hurt, my chest did too... I had to go out and I forgot my meds. I don't know if I can continue going to class, I can barely go outside for a couple of hours. Now I take x3 Paroxetine and x4 Lorazepam times the dose when I started... it isn't working :/

Btw I'd like to thank S.K. and J.D. for being always with me. You 2 are really good people and I will never be thankful enough for all the times you've been with me when I needed you, especially knowing most people would leave in those situations, as I know I complain too much... Thanks a lot <3


not actually Fiona Apple
In Developmental Psychology we went over developmental brain plasticity today, there are two types; experience-expectant plasticity and experience-dependent plasticity. It caught my attention, because lately I've been thinking about my thoughts and such more scientifically. Experience Dependent is how I had understood the brain worked, being able to change things through conditioning and growing up and just experiencing things, throughout life.

Then she brought up experience-expectant plasticity, and it made me think a little, and then made me nervous. You see, experience-expectant plasticity is things every human brain expects to experience, like light to the eyes or noise to the ears, and when it does experience these things normally you turn out fine. But if you're born deaf, for example, your brain will grow differently, and the part that worries about hearing will worry about other things (why deaf people's other senses are above average). Major difference between the two though is the experience-expectant plasticity only change while the brain is still developing, so like putting an eye-patch over an adult with a lazy eye would not have an effect while it would with a child.

And I'm worrying because, I'm 20, and for the most part my brain is done developing. Sure my prefrontal cortex grows maybe for 5 more years and is fairly important, but I'm just thinking, what if I missed my window of opportunity to use the eye-patch, metaphorically speaking. I know my brain's miswired in some areas without question, I never knew there was an deadline to when it can still be altered.


Well-known member
Apparently someone I went to school with is dating a quite famous popstar.


^ My uncle's granddaughter dated this guy who was in Thor (and is a major actor in Japan).

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