Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


occasionally when i'm falling asleep i get this overwhelming feeling that i'm falling and instantly snap totally awake and rather annoyed. HOWEVER, since about two weeks ago i've started to have this happen when i'm totally awake and like doing stuff, this is NOT OKAY. what if i'm driving and all the sudden, "AH MA GAWD GRAB ONTO SUMFIN!!!!" :eek:
i can relate

you should try this:


Take Beano and there will be no gas.

That always makes me laugh for some reason.

I'm really liking my bedroom now. I seems cleaner and crisper. That's a weird adjective, but it makes me feel like there is just a bit more order in my life. My sister and I are already half done with our Christmas shopping. We aren't getting each other anything, only our parents. We are going for small, sentimental type things instead of the big stuff. It's actually kind of fun. Of course, I have no job and therefore no money to contribute, so my sister is paying for it all and, in return, I have to proofread all of her papers until the end of the semester. There is no emoticon for the emotion that evokes in me.


Well-known member
You know, typically, when you're in a group, you speak with your partner more than once every blue moon. Well, if you were "normal" anyway. I have a partner for an English assignment who, while I can wholeheartedly say seems nice and is more than a little attractive::eek::, seems to avoid talking to me and I to her. This group thing isn't going to work out, I predict, unless all four of us show our faces.

Also, it turns out I can still blush! I got to watch a documentary on Walt Whitman and, when they started talking about...... adult things, my face started to burn up::p:! Yay, I'm still innocent!


Well-known member
Overwhelming. Good way of putting the feelings conveyed in your post. Just let it all out, Pookah, as that's the best way. Sometimes it's not easy, but I'm gathering that there's a part of you that needs unburdening.

My inbox is available for venting purposes if you need it.

Thanks very much. I point most of what I feel inward and rarely vent irl. I will occasionally type it out online but that is the extent of it.

I feel like people think sometimes that I am fine or even cheerful and so I can't be sad but really I'm sad all the time and covering it up.


Well-known member
Thanks very much. I point most of what I feel inward and rarely vent irl. I will occasionally type it out online but that is the extent of it.

I feel like people think sometimes that I am fine or even cheerful and so I can't be sad but really I'm sad all the time and covering it up.

I do the exact same thing Pook (hug)


not actually Fiona Apple
Talked on the phone for a short time about a job, and my audibility was perfect :cool:. The job would be 12 hour shifts every other night from 7 pm to 7 am though, so that's no fun. But it's the only people to get back to me so I'll take it if I can get it.

I soooooooo want it to be next week.

Me toooooo, not sure about you but vacation for me :D


Well-known member
I feel like such a pathetic sack of sh*t right now. I can't even bring myself to leave my apartment to go for a run. I'm starting to think that maybe I deserve all the terrible things I'm going through just simply for being an inferior social being. ::(:


Well-known member
Then dont. At least not here. I most certainly was unaware of this. But if people think you are fine then they wont console you.

That is part of it I don't want people to know how troubled I am. A lot of people bore of "complaints" fairly easily too.

It is easier to pretend it is all fine. People seem to like you more.


not actually Fiona Apple
^ Vacation? I want a vacation! Do you get the whole week off? I only get Thursday, Friday off next week. :p My last short break of this semester.

I get off this Friday and don't come back till the Sunday after Thanksgiving, totally worth not getting Veterans day off :D


Well-known member
That is part of it I don't want people to know how troubled I am. A lot of people bore of "complaints" fairly easily too.

It is easier to pretend it is all fine. People seem to like you more.

I have a history of pretending everything's fine because I'd rather see people happy than worried about me. And I agree, sometimes you feel like your problems just make things worse for everybody. Which is bad I suppose because people really do care and would rather see you happy, but at the same time it's like burdening them with your own problems.

However on that note, I'd like to say my inbox is ready as well.


not actually Fiona Apple
That is part of it I don't want people to know how troubled I am. A lot of people bore of "complaints" fairly easily too.

It is easier to pretend it is all fine. People seem to like you more.

I tend to do this more often than not. I know people are willing to listen and "care," but most of the time I'd rather not be honest about such things. If I'm feeling extra down I'll overcompensate and act like I'm feeling extra good.

I'll bitch and moan every once and a while though, I usually don't go very in depth though. Often I don't have much intention of doing anything about it, and in that case all it is is complaining, which is just productive. When I do that it feels like I'm attention seeking, which isn't something I really want.


Sometimes, I just want to complain about the world, and indulge in my bad feelings without having people tell me that I am wrong to feel this way and that all the reasons behind my anger or sadness is just silly and irrational. Whats wrong with venting? Why is it people have to bring you down even further by pointing out how silly you are and that its your own fault for feeling the way you do. Why isnt it blame other people for a change?


Well-known member
That is part of it I don't want people to know how troubled I am. A lot of people bore of "complaints" fairly easily too.

It is easier to pretend it is all fine. People seem to like you more.
You can't always pretend things are alright when they're not. Again, my inbox is open for business if you don't like "burdening" the forum with your complaints, which you're definitely entitled to do.

In saying that, I am the same as you. I will always go around and pretend like things are fine when I'm rotting on the inside. I hate having to explain what's wrong to everyone, and there are certain groups of people in my life who I don't know that well and I certainly don't want them to know how upset I am. I can imagine you are the same and you go around wearing a mask of happiness just so people don't concern over you too much.

You're too beautiful to be sad.


Well-known member
I get off this Friday and don't come back till the Sunday after Thanksgiving, totally worth not getting Veterans day off :D
^ *is extremely jealous* I didn't even get Veteran's Day off and I still only have a measly two days off, plus the weekend and that's it. Some "vacation" I have. :rolleyes:


Well-known member
I have a history of pretending everything's fine because I'd rather see people happy than worried about me. And I agree, sometimes you feel like your problems just make things worse for everybody. Which is bad I suppose because people really do care and would rather see you happy, but at the same time it's like burdening them with your own problems.

However on that note, I'd like to say my inbox is ready as well.

Thank you dear. <3 Yeah I don't want to bring anyone down with me. And I am usually genuinely enthusiastic when I am around people I like, I just get discouraged quickly especially if my act isn't producing the desired effects.

But this is a support forum. And everyone here complains lol.

Yeah....I just feel like I need to be strong or something and hold onto it most of the time.

I tend to do this more often than not. I know people are willing to listen and "care," but most of the time I'd rather not be honest about such things. If I'm feeling extra down I'll overcompensate and act like I'm feeling extra good.

I'll bitch and moan every once and a while though, I usually don't go very in depth though. Often I don't have much intention of doing anything about it, and in that case all it is is complaining, which is just productive. When I do that it feels like I'm attention seeking, which isn't something I really want.

Yeah I'm a hypocrite, I expect people to vent to me haha but I hate the way I sound/am when I do it. Part of it is that I think my problems are less important.

You can't always pretend things are alright when they're not. Again, my inbox is open for business if you don't like "burdening" the forum with your complaints, which you're definitely entitled to do.

In saying that, I am the same as you. I will always go around and pretend like things are fine when I'm rotting on the inside. I hate having to explain what's wrong to everyone, and there are certain groups of people in my life who I don't know that well and I certainly don't want them to know how upset I am. I can imagine you are the same and you go around wearing a mask of happiness just so people don't concern over you too much.

You're too beautiful to be sad.

I don't always know how to articulate what I am feeling and sometimes it is just the depression and no real explanation.

IRL I know I can look unhappy or cross that is just the set of my face tho even when I am merely thinking, eyes to the floor/frown etc. Online people don't usually see my expression, so it is much easier to hide emotions.

I wish I was beautiful that is partly why I'm sad sometimes, lol.

Dunno what to do with myself these days. All I do is set small goals because I won't reach any big ones like this.