Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I went to the gym for the first time today. Didn't do too bad, considering the last time I had a real workout was over 3 years ago. I burned off all of the food I ate earlier.


Well-known member
^ I know that feeling too. After hanging with friends for a few hours, I just feel exhausted and then I want to leave and just wish to be alone. Happens every time. Then again, my friends are kind of outgoing, so they just tire me out quicker I guess. :rolleyes:
Yeah, that does make sense if they're outgoing - it gets difficult to keep up with them. The thing is that this particular friend is quieter than me so I have to keep talking to get the conversation flowing, but I feel like I'm boring the tears out of him. I hate it. Wahhh.


Well-known member
Yeah, that does make sense if they're outgoing - it gets difficult to keep up with them. The thing is that this particular friend is quieter than me so I have to keep talking to get the conversation flowing, but I feel like I'm boring the tears out of him. I hate it. Wahhh.

Mikey, don't doubt yourself so much! You're the life of the party on here (well, when coyote isn't and I'm busy flirting with the beautiful ladies on this site::p:)! I'm sure that you're not boring him! Just pretend you're talking to us and you'll be just fine:D!


Well-known member
Mikey, don't doubt yourself so much! You're the life of the party on here (well, when coyote isn't and I'm busy flirting with the beautiful ladies on this site::p:)! I'm sure that you're not boring him! Just pretend you're talking to us and you'll be just fine:D!
You're too kind, Deadman. ::eek:: If I'm the life of the party, it must be quite a lame party.

The difference between talking to him and talking to you guys is that 1) All of you are practically anonymous, and 2) I have the security of a computer screen in front of me. It makes it difficult to initiate conversation with him but he is a cool guy. I do like him. I get the feeling it's more my issue than his.


Well-known member
You're too kind, Deadman. ::eek:: If I'm the life of the party, it must be quite a lame party.

The difference between talking to him and talking to you guys is that 1) All of you are practically anonymous, and 2) I have the security of a computer screen in front of me. It makes it difficult to initiate conversation with him but he is a cool guy. I do like him. I get the feeling it's more my issue than his.

Hey, this is no lame party! We're the coolest kids on the block, therefore, this party is the epitome of cool:cool:!

Don't sell yourself short! All we are doing on here is acting like our true selves and voicing our true thoughts, so you have the potential to be the life of the party! You're going to your therapist to coax out your true self, so give it time and soon you'll see just how right I am:D!


Well-known member
Hey, this is no lame party! We're the coolest kids on the block, therefore, this party is the epitome of cool:cool:!

Don't sell yourself short! All we are doing on here is acting like our true selves and voicing our true thoughts, so you have the potential to be the life of the party! You're going to your therapist to coax out your true self, so give it time and soon you'll see just how right I am:D!
"The epitome of cool"? Haha, alright then.

I would like to hope that you're right, Deadman. That way I can be the life of every party and have girls in bikinis hanging off each arm like in those rap videos, lol.

You're always so nice to the girls here, Deadman. How come you aren't swimming in girlfriends, huh? ;)
Ah, butt monkeys. I've started watching House MD. This is why I try to stay away from TV shows, especially ones that have been on for a while. Then I have to (HAVE TO!) spend loads of time catching up on it.

Also, my mom accidentally took my keys with her to her bf's house, so I'm stuck at home. I guess I really have nothing better to do. :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Ah, butt monkeys. I've started watching House MD. This is why I try to stay away from TV shows, especially ones that have been on for a while. Then I have to (HAVE TO!) spend loads of time catching up on it.

Also, my mom accidentally took my keys with her to her bf's house, so I'm stuck at home. I guess I really have nothing better to do. :rolleyes:
Stuck home with lots of House unwatched? How convenient! If possible, get some nice snack food and dig in to the food and the show. :)

Not a House fan myself, but I can see its appeal.


Well-known member
Yeah, that does make sense if they're outgoing - it gets difficult to keep up with them. The thing is that this particular friend is quieter than me so I have to keep talking to get the conversation flowing, but I feel like I'm boring the tears out of him. I hate it. Wahhh.
^ I'm quite sure you're not boring him (especially after looking at your most recent photo, haha. Which is awesome, btw). I don't always talk back much during conversations with friends. Sometimes I just prefer to listen, and just take in everything they're saying. I'm sure your friend is doing the same. :)


Well-known member
"The epitome of cool"? Haha, alright then.

I would like to hope that you're right, Deadman. That way I can be the life of every party and have girls in bikinis hanging off each arm like in those rap videos, lol.

You're always so nice to the girls here, Deadman. How come you aren't swimming in girlfriends, huh? ;)

Because girls don't notice me in real life. At best, I look average and, at worst, I look hideous. Not to mention the fact that girls kinda scare me, so I more or less avoid them and keep to the shadows to avoid being caught in their crosshairs. I don't have what it takes to be attractive and I'm afraid that, if I ever do get a girlfriend, that I won't be able to maintain it. The pain that would bring me would be incomparable and unbearable::(:. I just believe that I'm not boyfriend material; you are though, so I'll do what I can to make sure that stays true:).


Well-known member
Ah, butt monkeys. I've started watching House MD. This is why I try to stay away from TV shows, especially ones that have been on for a while. Then I have to (HAVE TO!) spend loads of time catching up on it.
^ I know what you mean. I remember when I started watching Supernatural last summer. I was hooked with the first two episodes I saw and I just had to watch the rest of the seasons to get caught up. It was all worth it though. :D


Well-known member
Because girls don't notice me in real life. At best, I look average and, at worst, I look hideous. Not to mention the fact that girls kinda scare me, so I more or less avoid them and keep to the shadows to avoid being caught in their crosshairs. I don't have what it takes to be attractive and I'm afraid that, if I ever do get a girlfriend, that I won't be able to maintain it. The pain that would bring me would be incomparable and unbearable::(:. I just believe that I'm not boyfriend material; you are though, so I'll do what I can to make sure that stays true:).
Looks like we're on the same fractured footpath, mate. I have similar thoughts to you: girls being scary, not boyfriend material, can't maintain a relationship, painful when it ends, looking average. I will admit that I'm relaxing a bit more around girls. I can chat to them and maintain a conversation if they're interested in what I have to say, but it is still difficult.

I'm going to turn your words back on you: Don't sell yourself short! I would wager that there are girls interested, but your own personal hangups are preventing you from seeing that. There's a special lass out there for you, my friend.

I am definitely not boyfriend material - I wear all black, stay indoors a lot, listen to death metal, and I like my alone time. Certainly not a catch for the ladies, haha! ::p: But thanks for doing what you can, haha.


not actually Fiona Apple
In the Support Forum my "An idea" thread is now leading the view count, and is ahead even of the Site Rules.

Sorry to break it to you but this thread has the most views in the support forum

While it does have more than the site rules, it does not have the most. You're is ranked 10th though, if that is any consolation.

Ah, butt monkeys. I've started watching House MD. This is why I try to stay away from TV shows, especially ones that have been on for a while. Then I have to (HAVE TO!) spend loads of time catching up on it.

Season 4 is something to look forward to, when you get there. I've only seen the first 5 seasons, maybe I should catch up too...
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if that is any constellation.

Season 4 is something to look forward to, when you get there. I've only seen the first 5 seasons, maybe I should catch up too...

Constellation? :) I'm almost done with season 1. I've seen episodes from here and there on TV, mostly later ones with 13 and Taub and Cut-throat bitch or whatever he calls her. I see online that there is a lot of Cameron hate, but I like her so far. Is it because she has a crush on House and everyone wants House to be with Cuddy? Or do people just not like her in general?


not actually Fiona Apple
Constellation? :) I'm almost done with season 1. I've seen episodes from here and there on TV, mostly later ones with 13 and Taub and Cut-throat bitch or whatever he calls her. I see online that there is a lot of Cameron hate, but I like her so far. Is it because she has a crush on House and everyone wants House to be with Cuddy? Or do people just not like her in general?

I like Cameron, but I'm four seasons behind so maybe she's done something since then to make her hate-worthy, I don't know ::p: I like 13 the best, she's what drew me in. (I just found out 30 seconds ago she's not on the show anymore though :eek: ::(:)


Well-known member
I like Cameron, but I'm four seasons behind so maybe she's done something since then to make her hate-worthy, I don't know ::p: I like 13 the best, she's what drew me in. (I just found out 30 seconds ago she's not on the show anymore though :eek: ::(:)

Huh? Where did you find that out from? And I liked Cameron as well; I guess it's the shippers and the people who just don't like her personality. But I would wager that it's the shippers that are prominent in this Cameron-hate idea.


Well-known member
Do you honestly want happiness?

When someone wants to be happy, they do things that will bring happiness to themselves, whatever it is. If making people happy, makes them happy, then they will do that. When someone genuinly wants to be happy, they will not fall down and stay down, they get themselves back up and keep moving with life. Because the only way is up.


Well-known member
Wikipedia. And then your questioning inspired me to search google as well to confirm, sounds like she's gone and not coming back. (Again, haven't been following the show lately though)

From what I had heard, it was Cuddy that wasn't coming back. I think, from what I heard, the last scene from the last season of House made her quit. I don't know; I guess we'll just have to wait until the next season shows its face.