Post your random thoughts/feelings etc



How do weathermen know what the temperature is going to be? Clouds I can understand, as they are visible....


How do weathermen know what the temperature is going to be? Clouds I can understand, as they are visible....

Thats a good question o_O Maybe they use some kinda calculation based on normal weather trends and knowing when the cold and warm fronts are coming in.


I woke up this morning and noticed my thumb is even more swollen than it was yesterday. For the past two days or so my thumb has been hot and tender (haha weird description). This has happened to me before. It must be a cuticle infection. The thing is, I don't remember even having a hangnail or anything :confused:

I don't know...... but it's freaking me out. The last time this happened I don't remember my thumb being QUITE so swollen. It feels like someone pumped water into it, and the skin is really tight. I can't afford to go to the hospital again without insurance, so I'll have to use my Betadine solution and hope that works. Or that it goes away on its own..... :/

OHMYGODOHMYGOD my thumb is going to be amputated!!! :eek:
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Well-known member
the ultimate goal in life is , to help oneself , then help others .
I'm afraid I have no idea how to help anyone with what I can do now. I'm quite limited. That's very wise, though, I always wanted to help other people. I've been helping poor people since I was a kid, but nothing out of normality, just like everyone else, I guess. I would like to do something more, but I don't know how I could do it with my limitations.
Then its time to think about what you really want in life (not to be confused with what others or society may expect). Think forward a few decades and imagine how you would like it to be.
I don't even know what I like, I can't imagine what i would like from life. I can't imagine what I'll be in a couple of years, I guess I may be just in a bad period of my life, probably like everyone else when they have to decide what to do (and what to be) in this life. Now it seems too hard to see what I'll be like in a few decades.

Thank you both for your replies, I'll try to think about it.
Aw, I'm sorry to hear that Puma. ::(: Sometimes you do have to walk away from people like that. Hopefully, he'll realize how much he misses you and try to change his ways. If he doesn't change, he doesn't deserve you!

It's not the first time this happened. He is a good guy, but sometimes he really needs a wake up call. I don't appreciate it when advice is requested and then it's directly mocked, I appreciate it even less to be yelled at when all I do is help.

He already send me a text in which he apologized and swore to change. But, that'll have be proven over time. I've had too many people tell me that to even remotely take it seriously. I've already made it very clear that I'm going to be around forever if he keeps this behavior up. Life is simply too short, and it's also been too difficult a start to waste it on such a future.


Well-known member
Had to do a lecture to a group of about 40 teenage girls today. Also got about 8-10 more to do this week and early next week.


Well-known member

or pumpkin?

...and my choice is...
One pie crust recipe makes enough for 2 pies, so why not?


Well-known member
Why is it that every one of my (few)friendships is so intense in the beginning and wonderful and exciting, and then after a few months it just...dies down, and I get bored with everything, and i feel like im boring the other person and I find myself thinking i'm not fun to be around. I always end up distancing myself from people, and them, in turn, doing the same with me.
Who would want to be around me anyway, im such a miserable, uninteresting fvck.


Well-known member
I don't really know you Vamp , but the few conversation we had were very interesting to me , you don't have to find things to say all the time , it's a natural thing , it comes naturally , that's normal , people force it all the time and say useless things


My dreams are crumbling apart in my hands and people are liking it as if its a good thing. I guess I'll resign myself to cleaning poop for the rest of my days