Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
Nothing will seem to fill me right now... haha, happens every month. I think you understand ;)

Oh, I understand the pain quite well.
My cramps were so horrible as a teen (and sometimes still, now) that I couldn't move at all for days; any movement would feel like I was being torn open.
I'd have stiff muscles, migraines, light and cold sensitivity and a feeling like I was herniating.
I was put on prescription pain killers until I just said 'to hell with this!' and went on the needle.
It was pretty bad.
My mom was the same way as a teen as well but her mother would just give her a valium and tell her to sleep it off. -__-
Ohh... the 70's! lol


Well-known member
man it's real cold outside , i can't believe i spent the whole summer inside , missing out on so much , i really wanted to see a bit of nature , some trees at least or .. grass


Well-known member
F:eek: you, anxiety. No longer do I not feel like going away this weekend, now I actually feel like not going. Time to cue up some inspiring soundtrack music and clear my head.

(If I post between about 7 pm EST tonight and Sunday evening, you'll all know the anxiety won.)

Random observation: That must be at least the fourth acorn I've seen that squirrel carrying through the maple tree.


Well-known member
contemplating going outside and asking the ridiculously loud children playing football on the sidewalk to take it elsewhere. Seriously..this is a place of business and i have to listen to a schoolyard of kids playing directly outside of my office windows???!! who brings their kid to the office then sends them outside to scream and play in front of someone else's office windows???!!

omg. i cannot wait to move to our new building. no neighbors,no other businesses in our building...ALL ours.just ours. *sigh* it can't come soon enough.


Well-known member
Mi aerodeslizador está lleno de anguilas! Donde está el más cercano deposito de cadáveres? Tengo que estar allí a las 15:00, o bien el helado se derrite.
Mis dientes postizos se pica!

...I should probably stop trying.


Well-known member
Mi aerodeslizador está lleno de anguilas! Donde está el más cercano deposito de cadáveres? Tengo que estar allí a las 15:00, o bien el helado se derrite.
Mis dientes postizos se pica!

...I should probably stop trying.
I think those are the things they first teach you when studying Spanish :rolleyes:


Well-known member
I think those are the things they first teach you when studying Spanish :rolleyes:

haha~ perhaps how to find words in a dictionary; and how to 'basically' put a sentence together.
Not a hell of alot else, though.
Have I insulted you by butchering your language?
I could say a bunch of dumb things in English as well but I already do that all the time and no one seems to be insulted by my poor use of grammar. lolol :)


Well-known member
haha~ perhaps how to find words in a dictionary; and how to 'basically' put a sentence together.
Not a hell of alot else, though.
Have I insulted you by butchering your language?
I could say a bunch of dumb things in English as well but I already do that all the time and no one seems to be insulted by my poor use of grammar. lolol :)
No no, I love random nonsenses XD


Well-known member
I had to read in class today, and had to ask the teacher how to pronounce one of the words.::eek::::eek::

I think my face was bright red the whole time::(:


Well-known member
No no, I love random nonsenses XD

Tengo un magnífico flamenco en mis pantalones. ¿Sabe usted cómo devorar una bicicleta? ¿Cuándo es el rinoceronte próximo a llegar a esta estación? Me gustaría comer alcachofas del ombligo de su madre.


Well-known member
Tengo un magnífico flamenco en mis pantalones. ¿Sabe usted cómo devorar una bicicleta? ¿Cuándo es el rinoceronte próximo a llegar a esta estación? Me gustaría comer alcachofas del ombligo de su madre.
Okay, you just made my day XD


Well-known member
Mi madre, ella me contaba historias cuando era niño.
Historias acerca de 12 pies de altura travestis que le gustaba bailar en las calles durante el invierno, recogiendo las anguilas de los troncos de los aerodeslizadores que pasa.
En aquellos días, era normal que tienen escamas en los pies, como todos somos descendientes de los Grognac los poderosos bárbaros!


Well-known member
Show me the way to go home,
I'm tired and I want to go to bed,
I had a little drink about an hour ago,
And it's gone right to my head. Hey