Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
If you feel comfortable around her with no anxiety just go for it. When I met my wife it was through my brother. His best friend was my wifes son. They were both age 10 at the time, I was 24 and she was 29. I took on her son (who has Cystic Fibrosis and Diabetes) as my own and we had a daughter together. We've been married for nine years now.

I am not saying go and get married and look aftre her kids but just go for it, have the fun you deserve and who knows where it will take you.

I'm not looking to get married *LOL*, but the attention sure is nice :p
Hummus, my love!

Mmmmmm. Garlic hummus is awesome.

Rebecca Lobo on ESPN2: "Diana Taurasi has a great angry face." "Taurasi is angry." :eek: I'm shocked. DT? Anger issues? Nooooooooooooooooooooo. :)

Lobo: "I haven't seen the technical foul, I haven't seen the replay, but knowing Diana Taurasi, she earned the technical foul." Lobo is so damn funny. I love her.
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I think I'm going to go insane! This girl in school is making me crazy. We just talked over the phone for 20 minutes and by talking I mean just MeMeMeMeMe... all she wants to talk about is how everyone is jealous of her, how all the boys call her pretty, how ugly some people are and how her life totally sucks because of these HUGE problems! I gave her hints and clues that I don't want to talk,but she completely ignored them and kept rambling wtf....!


Well-known member
I think I'm going to go insane! This girl in school is making me crazy. We just talked over the phone for 20 minutes and by talking I mean just MeMeMeMeMe... all she wants to talk about is how everyone is jealous of her, how all the boys call her pretty, how ugly some people are and how her life totally sucks because of these HUGE problems! I gave her hints and clues that I don't want to talk,but she completely ignored them and kept rambling wtf....!

wow your very polite and considerate of her feelings to let her drag on for 20 mins. too bad she seems to shallow to not notice or respect yours.


Well-known member
I think I'm going to go insane! This girl in school is making me crazy. We just talked over the phone for 20 minutes and by talking I mean just MeMeMeMeMe... all she wants to talk about is how everyone is jealous of her, how all the boys call her pretty, how ugly some people are and how her life totally sucks because of these HUGE problems! I gave her hints and clues that I don't want to talk,but she completely ignored them and kept rambling wtf....!

Ugh, sounds a lot like a certain someone I know :rolleyes:
Well, a lot of girls I know actually. So annoying... I'm amazed you even lasted that long on the phone with her. I would have just hung up on her. I have zero tolerance for people like that.
I think I'm going to go insane! This girl in school is making me crazy. We just talked over the phone for 20 minutes and by talking I mean just MeMeMeMeMe... all she wants to talk about is how everyone is jealous of her, how all the boys call her pretty, how ugly some people are and how her life totally sucks because of these HUGE problems! I gave her hints and clues that I don't want to talk,but she completely ignored them and kept rambling wtf....!

You are too kind. I would have hung up on the bitch. :)

When she stops to take a breath, you should just start talking about something and don't stop until you can't think of anything else to say. "I was eating dinner with my family and we had broccoli and broccoli has always reminded me of trees. Trees are awesome because they take in carbon dioxide and put out oxygen, which is what we breath. Isn't that awesome? And the leaves are so pretty, especially when they turn red and orange and brown and yellow in autumn. Red and yellow are primary colors, along with blue. Orange, green, and purple are secondary colors. Did you know that there is no word in the English language that rhymes with orange? The same goes for purple and silver. It's said that a silver bullet is the only thing that can kill a werewolf. Do you believe in werewolves? I do, but only because I am one." Then don't say anything. Just let the silence permeate the air. Then tell her about your werewolf issues and how you have to buy new clothes all the time because you rip the ones you are wearing when you turn and your parents have to lock you in the basement for those two or three nights every month so you don't hurt anyone. Complain about how you can never have a boyfriend because he'd never believe you were a werewolf and you certainly couldn't hide it from him forever and you have to bail on your friends all the time and they get upset, but you don't want to tell them the truth because someone would call the FBI and Agent Mulder and Agent Scully would come and take you back to Quantico for testing and then your entire life will consist of being tested and scaring the FBI agents. Then ask her if she still wants to talk about her stupid problems. Trust me, it works every time I've tried it. Which is never. Good luck!

wow your very polite and considerate of her feelings to let her drag on for 20 mins. too bad she seems to shallow to not notice or respect yours.

Ugh, sounds a lot like a certain someone I know :rolleyes:
Well, a lot of girls I know actually. So annoying... I'm amazed you even lasted that long on the phone with her. I would have just hung up on her. I have zero tolerance for people like that.

I told her like thousand times that 'I'm busy now' or 'I can't talk right now' but she just wouldn't listen! Ugh... I hate this. I can't ever say directly 'no' to people!!
You are too kind. I would have hung up on the bitch. :)

When she stops to take a breath, you should just start talking about something and don't stop until you can't think of anything else to say. "I was eating dinner with my family and we had broccoli and broccoli has always reminded me of trees. Trees are awesome because they take in carbon dioxide and put out oxygen, which is what we breath. Isn't that awesome? And the leaves are so pretty, especially when they turn red and orange and brown and yellow in autumn. Red and yellow are primary colors, along with blue. Orange, green, and purple are secondary colors. Did you know that there is no word in the English language that rhymes with orange? The same goes for purple and silver. It's said that a silver bullet is the only thing that can kill a werewolf. Do you believe in werewolves? I do, but only because I am one." Then don't say anything. Just let the silence permeate the air. Then tell her about your werewolf issues and how you have to buy new clothes all the time because you rip the ones you are wearing when you turn and your parents have to lock you in the basement for those two or three nights every month so you don't hurt anyone. Complain about how you can never have a boyfriend because he'd never believe you were a werewolf and you certainly couldn't hide it from him forever and you have to bail on your friends all the time and they get upset, but you don't want to tell them the truth because someone would call the FBI and Agent Mulder and Agent Scully would come and take you back to Quantico for testing and then your entire life will consist of being tested and scaring the FBI agents. Then ask her if she still wants to talk about her stupid problems. Trust me, it works every time I've tried it. Which is never. Good luck!


First, that was the best post of all time. Well done.

Second, might want to specify that red, yellow, and blue are the primary subtractive colors. The primary additive colors are red, blue, and green, and the secondary additive colors are cyan, magenta, and yellow. I'm not sure exactly why there's a difference, but there is.

That could be something else to talk about while stalling for time. Read the wikipedia article on why there's a difference over the phone.
First, that was the best post of all time. Well done.

Second, might want to specify that red, yellow, and blue are the primary subtractive colors. The primary additive colors are red, blue, and green, and the secondary additive colors are cyan, magenta, and yellow. I'm not sure exactly why there's a difference, but there is.

That could be something else to talk about while stalling for time. Read the wikipedia article on why there's a difference over the phone.

In art, red, yellow, and blue are the 'primary colors.' But yeah, just read her the whole Wikipedia page. It's interesting, if not a bit dry. She'll die of boredom. Problem solved.
You are too kind. I would have hung up on the bitch. :)

When she stops to take a breath, you should just start talking about something and don't stop until you can't think of anything else to say. "I was eating dinner with my family and we had broccoli and broccoli has always reminded me of trees. Trees are awesome because they take in carbon dioxide and put out oxygen, which is what we breath. Isn't that awesome? And the leaves are so pretty, especially when they turn red and orange and brown and yellow in autumn. Red and yellow are primary colors, along with blue. Orange, green, and purple are secondary colors. Did you know that there is no word in the English language that rhymes with orange? The same goes for purple and silver. It's said that a silver bullet is the only thing that can kill a werewolf. Do you believe in werewolves? I do, but only because I am one." Then don't say anything. Just let the silence permeate the air. Then tell her about your werewolf issues and how you have to buy new clothes all the time because you rip the ones you are wearing when you turn and your parents have to lock you in the basement for those two or three nights every month so you don't hurt anyone. Complain about how you can never have a boyfriend because he'd never believe you were a werewolf and you certainly couldn't hide it from him forever and you have to bail on your friends all the time and they get upset, but you don't want to tell them the truth because someone would call the FBI and Agent Mulder and Agent Scully would come and take you back to Quantico for testing and then your entire life will consist of being tested and scaring the FBI agents. Then ask her if she still wants to talk about her stupid problems. Trust me, it works every time I've tried it. Which is never. Good luck!


First, that was the best post of all time. Well done.

Second, might want to specify that red, yellow, and blue are the primary subtractive colors. The primary additive colors are red, blue, and green, and the secondary additive colors are cyan, magenta, and yellow. I'm not sure exactly why there's a difference, but there is.

That could be something else to talk about while stalling for time. Read the wikipedia article on why there's a difference over the phone.

^Haha,great advice guys! I'll definately try these next time. I bet she'll love it! lol.