Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

I was out playing basketball for an hour or two just earlier with some random guys I didn't know (and one guy I did know). That was the most exercise I've gotten in well over a year. I am in no way an athlete, but I managed to avoid embarrassing myself. Also, I was wearing jeans. Who the hell wears jeans while playing basketball?
''This is madness with the intensity of which even Sparta can't claim it is it originally.''

I have half a mind of ordering a shirt with this text on it.


Waiting to become sleepy.......

Another day over. They just keep rolling on. I'm excited I'm actually working toward something. Some people aren't, sadly. Not that I want a career but I kind of have to in today's society... whether I agree with it or not. So I decided to go with pre-law, public health, with a minor in Spanish. Possibly biology somewhere in there, I don't know. Maybe it goes with the public health major. We shall see. I love bio though.

Random indeed......
I was out playing basketball for an hour or two just earlier with some random guys I didn't know (and one guy I did know). That was the most exercise I've gotten in well over a year. I am in no way an athlete, but I managed to avoid embarrassing myself. Also, I was wearing jeans. Who the hell wears jeans while playing basketball?

I do sometimes.

"Never make a decision when you are angry, never make a promise when you are happy."

And with those wise words, I'll bid you good night SPW. :)

Broamy, I love you! And not just for that sandwich you sent me. ;) Although it certainly helped.


Well-known member
Did anyone hear about the plane crash during the Reno Air Show today? It's horrible. It's like something out of a Final Destination movie. You can read about it here:

Reno Air Show Plane Crash: Airplane Crashes Into Stands At National Championship Air Races In Nevada

And the video is here:
Live Show [Procaster] Fri Sep 16 2011 06:45:17 PMon loadedtv - live streaming video powered by Livestream

The actual crash happens around 39:20. You can see a guy with his right leg missing towards the end. Freaking terrible... my heart goes out to the people involved in this tragedy and their families ::(:


Just got back from the pizza joint with my friend and I swear everybody there was a couple. It's like that every time we come here. Do single people not come here for pizza anymore? It's depressing...


Well-known member
Did anyone hear about the plane crash during the Reno Air Show today?

The Galloping Ghost indeed. I'm curious as to what went wrong, but I highly doubt that plane had anything like a black box in it.

And yes, I'm still here, posting in the wee hours of Saturday morning.....

Think I'm getting a cold. At least this means I'll get a few days off, perhaps.
Received some weird information too.....kind of laughable, really.
I realized yesterday that I'm not quite as "over" my phobias and crap as I thought... I haven't had a panic attack in well over a year, but I'm still paranoid, terrified by people around me...


Well-known member
The pressure in my head is so intense I think my head is gonna explode and pebble dash the lounge with bits of cranium.


If only I could shout out for real...