Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

.....Did someone say candy?

*chomp* *munch*

Nope, no candy here. I think someone must have said "handy" or "sandy" or "Mandy" and you misheard.

Yep, I just took this photo of Rembrandt through his window with my super-duper-camera and it proves he was telling you fibs cesgrandsyeux!:rolleyes::D

I'm so anxious and upset right now. This girl Jo, who's bullying me, has a lot of control over the girls in my form. Every day this week I felt worse and worse, people began to ignore me and some stopped talking to me altogether. So already,it's quite bad being at school.
I recently read an exchange of facebook messages between Jo and a girl called Brodhie. Jo was, in a way, trying to bring Brodhie over to 'her side' by bitching about me. She said I'm a twat who always needs to be right, have the upper hand, and 'win.' Brodhie agreed, and said she didn't really like me, even though Brodhie's nice to my face.
My dad said he wants to talk to Ms Meredith about this situation, he wants Meredith to talk to Jo, to try and prevent her cruel behaviour. I don't know do though. Is talking to Jo a good idea? It might turn people against me even more....but it's already pretty bad. I'm just so scared right now, I don't want to go back to school.
I have about £20, I think I might take some clothes, pretend I'm going to school in my uniform on Monday but just go into Birmingham city centre instead, come home at 4, my parents will never know...I think. I want to spend the day off school. I can't face these people again, it might be so much worse for me if Ms Meredith talks to Jo.

What do you think the best thing would be for me to do? Whatever happens, the social situation is awful, and I feel ****tier and ****tier as the day progresses.


Well-known member
I have about £20, I think I might take some clothes, pretend I'm going to school in my uniform on Monday but just go into Birmingham city centre instead, come home at 4, my parents will never know...I think.

i dont see anything wrong with spending a day by yourself to collect your thoughts. but eventualy youll have to face your peers though, so continue avoidance is bad.
just leaving without anyone knowing can be usualy worse (i have been reported missing before - its not worth the trouble). maybe talk to your parents requesting a day of avoidance, or at the very least leave a note.


Well-known member
They would never allow a day off.
Do you think Meredith talking to Jo would make everything worse?

unfortuantly, people resent being told off/in the wrong. they tend to not take responsability of their own actions and look elsewhere to place their blame.

not to say this will be the case... but in all probability would cause more tension between Jo and yourself. im sorry.


Well-known member
Have you thought about befriending Jo, being nice to her, show her you don't hold a grudge?
Don't avoid school, you will dread even more going back there the next day. At least thats how i felt when id miss a few days of school.


Well-known member
theres a wealth of experiance and advice from fellow users here. im pretty sure (almost certain) you have the maturity to take all this advice in consideration while thinking about the best possible and most informed course of action that betters yourself.

only you can analyse your desired outcome and how best to achieve it.

i guess i just want to reiterate that my opinions are just my opinions and should be taken with a grain of salt.
I'm so anxious and upset right now. This girl Jo, who's bullying me, has a lot of control over the girls in my form. Every day this week I felt worse and worse, people began to ignore me and some stopped talking to me altogether. So already,it's quite bad being at school.
I recently read an exchange of facebook messages between Jo and a girl called Brodhie. Jo was, in a way, trying to bring Brodhie over to 'her side' by bitching about me. She said I'm a twat who always needs to be right, have the upper hand, and 'win.' Brodhie agreed, and said she didn't really like me, even though Brodhie's nice to my face.
My dad said he wants to talk to Ms Meredith about this situation, he wants Meredith to talk to Jo, to try and prevent her cruel behaviour. I don't know do though. Is talking to Jo a good idea? It might turn people against me even more....but it's already pretty bad. I'm just so scared right now, I don't want to go back to school.
I have about £20, I think I might take some clothes, pretend I'm going to school in my uniform on Monday but just go into Birmingham city centre instead, come home at 4, my parents will never know...I think. I want to spend the day off school. I can't face these people again, it might be so much worse for me if Ms Meredith talks to Jo.

What do you think the best thing would be for me to do? Whatever happens, the social situation is awful, and I feel ****tier and ****tier as the day progresses.

It seems exactly like my situation two years ago. I think telling off would a be correct thing to do when the situation is less severe, right now though it might make this worse. I agree with Vamp you shouldn't avoid school, it would make this more dreading. In my case it sure did. You can try to befriend Jo,but only if you think she's worth it.
She holds a grudge. She doesn't want to be friends with me.
That's because she wants me to stay away from her best friend,Helen,who was once my best friend. And it worked, Jo's not friends with me/talking to me...neither is Helen,really. Well,she does, but not when Jo is around.

I don't want to be friends with Helen anymore, I'm not going to 'steal' her away from Jo,I'm really not interested. Helen's a ****ing annoying bimbo who still claims to be in love with me or something? She's rather creepy, she...tried it on with me when she was round at my house, that's when I got weirded out and became a bit distant. She took that as me not wanting to be friends with her,and...left. She's also pretty jealous of my friendship with this guy (who I do happen to love...a lot, haha) and it's a mutual feeling. She hates him, it used to cause a lot of problems, she insults him a lot too....which I couldn't stand, this guy and I are like best ****ing friends. She just hated that our feelings are mutual, whereas I don't feel the same for her, really.
Oh lord, just got blocked. I detect unnecessary jealousy. Not going to be on the same level of friendship because 'we've' been friends two years. It's so silly, there's a friendship there,I'm sure. There's no need to waste it because of anger/frustration/jealousy, whatever is felt. Just kind of confused and weirded out right now.

I think there should've been a discussion of feelings, to clear all this up, they're not rational. I'm not out to get you, there's no need to feel paranoid.
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Well-known member
No room in my closet, so I have to FOLD my laundry now?!
...I think I'll just get rid of some clothes instead. haha

Made what is possibly the best TV cut instrumental I've ever edited.
Fluid, balanced, perfect.
Maybe I'm getting the hang of things again?


Well-known member
A drive thru customer pulled up to the window and looked at me funny and said, "Sorry, I didn't expect you to be so cute..." He looked really nervous too. I want to take it as a compliment, but what if he meant cute as in "young-looking"? Haha. He seemed so nervous though.

BAH come on cute as in CUTE! Not young. As in he wishes he could take YOU home for a happy meal! :D He wouldn't be nervous if he meant younglooking. I'd say that's a compliment for the day!


Well-known member
I walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table. I looked with a grimace at the questionable meal Lois had placed in front of me. Of course I'd never tell her how disgusted I was with her cooking, but somehow I think she knew. Lois had always been full of energy and life, but lately I had begun to grow more aware of her aging. The bright, exuberant eyes that I had fallen in love with were now beginning to grow dull and listless with the long fatigue of a weary life..
A drive thru customer pulled up to the window and looked at me funny and said, "Sorry, I didn't expect you to be so cute..." He looked really nervous too. I want to take it as a compliment, but what if he meant cute as in "young-looking"? Haha. He seemed so nervous though.

Nervous because the guy felt attraction. Felt instantly pressured to portray his better half. It was a risked compliment and, most likely, planed quickly to ignite something further.
[Edit]Sounds kind of bleh and boring when fully analyzed, hmm.[/Edit]

I don't know how these people have the nerve to say these things, I would feel like a creep saying that to a random person.

Don't worry so much about it. If someone catches you attention just be mindful about it. You can choose to let them know - politely and sincerely would be best - or not.