Welcome to the U.S., where a specific group of people love to whine and cry about their free-dumbs and how "communism" is taking over the country, yet go ahead and take actual freedoms away from minority groups in the name of "religion." I do not understand why this older generation, specifically the old crusty white men that are beyond the Boomer generation (because it's not just the fault of all those Boomers, and some Boomers don't even share a lot of the same ideologies), are so hellbent in keeping an ass-backwards society where only one group is superior and then having the gall to pound religious text and use it as manipulation. Our country is being ran by sad little inferior men and women who can't seem to grasp actually caring about others. I really don't get it and I really am sick of waiting for a lot of these idiots to keel over and die already (since we apparently can't have ANY other term limits for most politicians, which is absurd) to pave way for a new generation. While there are a good handful of the younger generation following in those same manipulative footsteps, I like to believe there aren't as many of them as they appear over social media and the rest of the interwebs, True equality, autonomy, and universal human rights for all people is coming. Politicians that actually care may be far and few in between, but they are out there and one day I think we will have decent and respectable leaders for our country. It's going to be slow as hell getting to those points and I probably won't live to see it all happen, but I think one day EVENTUALLY the U.S. will be better and will really look back on this shitshow of our political history in shame. Of course I'm trying to be optimistic, but of course I'm torn and even the pessimist in me thinks the U.S. will never change and will eventually fully succumb to the toxicities of religious manipulation and the Evangelical cults that are throughout the country.
Side note: When I travel or even watch videos of all the different geological landscapes, skies, bodies of water, big cities and small towns, I am so thankful to live where I do. I think, "Wow, this is a pretty great country, our different environments are so beautiful and incredible." And then I think about what a shitshow our political climate is and I start to wonder if I really want to live here the rest of my life and it breaks my heart. Something that has so much natural beauty being ran by so many morons that literally don't give a rat's ass about anyone or anything other than themselves and their wallets. Will things get even worse than they are now? Sometimes it seems that way. But I also remember that no matter how many rednecks and cults I'm surrounded by specifically in the area I live, and how many idiots are in Congress, not everyone is like that. There are people that care and that fight, even if it doesn't always seem that way. Millions of Evangelicals pounding Bibles still doesn't create as much as an impact as millions more pissed off Americans that just want a decent life for everyone else.