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Why does food in anime look so much more amazing than real life food? This video is making me so hungry
Mmm.. maybe using the word "needy" was the wrong option there. Yes most of us crave a good relationship but personally I have experienced the good and the bad. Wbut aren't you needy too? don't you want a girlfriend? if two people are looking or needy for a girlfriend/boyfriend then there wouldn't be an issue. My point is just that, not trying to offend.
Hang on.... *shifty eyes*..We're nobody now~ Cast down from Mount Olympus, titleless, without identity, doomed to roam the realm of mortals once more.
i felt there was nothing really to do either so I lied in bed closing my eyes listening to x-mas music but then i felt terrible so I'm up so how did you do in finding chamomile tea at an online natural health store? perhaps it can be somewhere else i just don't know.. does anyone else know? but then it should be good quality
Where I currently live just totally sucks, to be honest. The population is increasing, but it seems like everyone that is in my age range is already married. This was a conversation I had with my therapist; the dating here sucks. But yes, there are ‘Meet Up’groups here - they’re just not as plentiful as in the city. I have a crush on someone, but much like the others, I am willing to wager he’s not interested in someone like me. Anyway, I get what you’re saying, though, Molly - you gotta put yourself out there.
it's probably just me but i sometimes feel that people purposely go away when i praise God.
See, I don’t know if he does. During our tutoring sessions, we increasingly talk more about our personal lives than math, we sit really close to each other (like, we are often times touching and neither of us pull away), whenever I express that I am stressed, he will put his hand on my shoulder, his pupils look bigger when we are talking to each other, and he will sometimes look at my mouth while I am talking, so that’s all I have to go by lol. I want to remain logical about this and not make something out of nothing, but I really wish I knew if he liked me or not because I really like him.Oh yeah... that sucks living some place with so few options. That was my life forever till I moved. I am still adjusting to it all.
I hope you can muster up the courage to approach your crush though. Even if it's just flirting-does he know you're interested?
See, I don’t know if he does. During our tutoring sessions, we increasingly talk more about our personal lives than math, we sit really close to each other (like, we are often times touching and neither of us pull away), whenever I express that I am stressed, he will put his hand on my shoulder, his pupils look bigger when we are talking to each other, and he will sometimes look at my mouth while I am talking, so that’s all I have to go by lol. I want to remain logical about this and not make something out of nothing, but I really wish I knew if he liked me or not because I really like him.
You think so? I am terrible at being able to tell if a guy likes me or not - he has to basically tell me lol. He told me very personal stuff about his family, too. He seems like a friendly person to me. Like, he is a thought oriented introvert, but doesn’t have social anxiety and has friends and stuff. I haven’t seen him talk to other girls, so I can’t compare his behavior with me versus another woman. The only objection I have to this is that he is only 21 or 22 and I turn 28 in January - he may not be interested because I am too old. This is also his last term at our college before he transfers to a university, so he might not be around for much longer, sadlySarah um well I am reading that and thinking if a guy is touching you like that and sharing personal details I’d say he’s definitely interested. The other signs are really good, too.
What is his personality type? Is he usually guarded or pretty open and friendly with everyone?
Could you just ask him out for coffee?
That wouldn’t be too bad would it for you to just make the first move?
You think so? I am terrible at being able to tell if a guy likes me or not - he has to basically tell me lol. He told me very personal stuff about his family, too. He seems like a friendly person to me. Like, he is a thought oriented introvert, but doesn’t have social anxiety and has friends and stuff. I haven’t seen him talk to other girls, so I can’t compare his behavior with me versus another woman. The only objection I have to this is that he is only 21 or 22 and I turn 28 in January - he may not be interested because I am too old. This is also his last term at our college before he transfers to a university, so he might not be around for much longer, sadly![]()
He said he couldn’t abandon his mom, so I am really hoping that means he’s going to stick around. He is really sweet and I hope something good happens between us and I can muster the courage to ask him out. I’m really scared, though haha.He sounds really sweet. I would go for it Sarah with the idea in mind though that he might be moving soon so you cannot get too attached. Easier said than done, I know...
Don't let the slight age difference stop you imo the chemistry is sounding like it would be great between you two![]()
Jump in, feet first Sarah!He said he couldn’t abandon his mom, so I am really hoping that means he’s going to stick around. He is really sweet and I hope something good happens between us and I can muster the courage to ask him out. I’m really scared, though haha.
So... my goal is to keep working towards my ideal employment (if and when I get it I'll definitely let you guys know) and when I get it, I'm going to move into a secluded but nice, house. I'm going to set it up with all the things I want. And.. I'm going to travel. Now, my current employment doesn't allow me to do that. But if I get my goal employment.. I'll be travelling a lot! Which is my passion.
I don't know if it's called faking it for me but i've altered my title or text online just to have it more interesting and i've faked being fun starting a thread. i've seen how other people do it and it then becomes me usually but i'd never go any further than that. just being open back to you.I don't want friends that I have to please. If it takes me being 'fake' or pretending to be someone I'm not just to have people to hang out with once in a while.. well, screw that. And screw them.
Thanks, Pug! When I get rejected I will be sure to cry about it on here lolJump in, feet first Sarah!
You only live life once.. sliding doors and all that.