Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

I believe the site tends to slow down when people refresh a lot, or, say when someone has their settings set to auto-refresh every 10 seconds (hint hint). Also when people veiw/post pictures as well. The more stuff going on here, the slower it moves. I'm not a computer expert though, so don't quote me on this, I might be off. ::eek::

Hey, that's only for emergencies. Sort of. Well, it's only in the middle of the day when there are hardly any people on. So don't go blaming me mister. But grr, those darn 'other people', slowing the site down


Well-known member
I was taking my dog for a walk at the park earlier and saw a girl with an ass so flat her spandex leggings were sagging :eek:
I don't think I've ever been as happy as I am right now to have such a curvy figure.


I was taking my dog for a walk at the park earlier and saw a girl with an ass so flat her spandex leggings were sagging :eek:
I don't think I've ever been as happy as I am right now to have such a curvy figure.

Every time I get a new suit or have to get pants fitted, I always get told that I have no ass. Still not sure if that's considered a good or bad thing for a guy though....


Well-known member
Every time I get a new suit or have to get pants fitted, I always get told that I have no ass. Still not sure if that's considered a good or bad thing for a guy though....

Most guys don't really have much of an ass to begin with (you guys either have fat or muscle there to give it shape or not much of either) so I don't think that's a bad thing in your case. It's worse for a girl because we're supposed to have curves as women naturally have more fat stored in their body than men plus wider hips so that adds to our figure. From the looks of things in the general public, I don't think most guys find flat or narrow girls all that attractive. No offense to any such girls out there.


Well-known member
There are many people in here I would like to meet in real life.:)
^ Me too! I think most of us, if not all, would love to be able to meet each other.

In other news, I did this to my bedroom wall and have now gone completely mental.

^ That's just awesome. :cool:


Well-known member
Feeling anxious; going to a funeral tomorrow! I'm dreading it. I know things will start to look up again at home though, very soon.


Well-known member
Thanks! It's not going to be black suits, sad music, that sort of thing ... he requested that everybody wear a football t-shirt!


Well-known member
A Liverpool one! I don't like the sport myself (and if I did, my dad wouldn't let me support them!), but that was his favourite team, so my mum bought a couple old ones. :p

EDIT: My granddad's favourite team, not my dad's!