Cleaning for 1/2 hours a day enables me to practiceTicking boxes.
Every day a tiny little bit. Meditation, movement, gardening, cleaning, showering, make my bed, writing.
It help to keep the darkness and depression at bay.
It took me a long time to get to this point. But I still have such a long way to go.
I was watching a documentary earlier today that claims the world's population will likely increase to nine billion by 2050. It went on to describe various ways in which emerging technologies will be able to feed, power, and support such a huge number of people, but not one word about how to prevent such a calamity from happening in the first place. The planet may be able to handle that many people, but can the people handle that many people? What will happen to the quiet places? Cities will expand so far that there won't be a decent place left to live, just vast expanses of asphalt and concrete without a single tree or blade of grass or moment of peace. It's a truly horrifying prospect. The world is bad enough as it is. I'm glad I won't be around to see the disaster this program predicts.
^the first novel normally is autobiographical. The second and third novels will be different.