Why can't poxy people spend 5 minutes in one spot of the ****ing house?
This is just going to be a journal whatever the hell it's called because bloody nosey people mean i can't make a vlog. I'm pissed. Why the hell am I doing exposure therapy any more? I've been doing it for 2 years at least, and it's hardly helped. at the rate I'm going i'll have to spend a year on literally every social situation I want to conquer, and then it'll halve the anxiety at best. whats the use? I want to do things with my life, not wait until I'm in y 40s to get anything achieved. I don't want to be a loser, I want to live.
Nans on my arse for a stupid reason. My other nan rang up and left a message askin if i wanted to go over for dinner. Than asked what my answer was with her usual smiling face, and when i said no she acted like I was the ****ing anti-christ and had just sentenced her to a lifetime of pain. I don't want to go to dinner, whats the big deal. My uncle, my 48 year old uncle who stilll lives with his mother, lets just reminisce on what a useless life he leads.
Enough thinking on what a pi,le of crap he is? Oh wait, you dont know him, so you wouldnt know. He was playing ****ing annoying coutnry music which pissed me off, but i couldnt tell him to turn it down. I onder why? Oh yeah, ****ting social anxiety.
I've also basically been told by someone that my feelings for them wont be reciprocated. My og wont quit humping my arm, so its got a scratch mark down it. My therapist is an annoying bastard. People dont trust me, they dont blieve when i tell them things. And just because im slow at replying they assume im talking to other people because they're nto good enough. This stupid keyboard is crummmy, some of the letters dont work most of the time. I was looking forward to something tonight but the other person doesnt trust me enough to do what we planned. I don't have any skills in life. And to top it al off, I can't do what i most want to in life because of my anxiety.
Thanks a lot social sodding phobia