Ah think ah'll buy masel' some new clathes. Ah'm sick fed-up o' wearin' aw black an' bein' a dour-faced, miserable basturd aw the time
Plus, wearin' brighter coloured clothes might improve ma mood a wee bit. But then ma family might started think there's summit wrong wi' me. Aside fae, the obvious, y'know? Depression, an' anxiety issues an' bein' a few slices short o' a full loaf in the brain department. Thank f**k ah huv'nae lost ma daft, offbeat, mental, sense uh humour, eh?!
Aye, ah think a change in tha colour o' ma attire - that's jist a fancy wird fur "clothes". In case yer aw scratchin' yer heids wunderin' whit it means. That's joke's jist fur ma amusement, really. An' based in fact, because ma cousin thinks
"trivial" is a
"big wird". Which is true, if ye play Scrabble.
Awright, awright! Ah'll gie tha jokes a rest... Calm doon! Anyway, it might dae me some guid wearin' summit a bit brighter, y'know? Like... Ah don't know - a high viz jacket or summit. :sarcastic: