Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Ah think ah'll buy masel' some new clathes. Ah'm sick fed-up o' wearin' aw black an' bein' a dour-faced, miserable basturd aw the time

Plus, wearin' brighter coloured clothes might improve ma mood a wee bit. But then ma family might started think there's summit wrong wi' me. Aside fae, the obvious, y'know? Depression, an' anxiety issues an' bein' a few slices short o' a full loaf in the brain department. Thank f**k ah huv'nae lost ma daft, offbeat, mental, sense uh humour, eh?! ;)

Aye, ah think a change in tha colour o' ma attire - that's jist a fancy wird fur "clothes". In case yer aw scratchin' yer heids wunderin' whit it means. That's joke's jist fur ma amusement, really. An' based in fact, because ma cousin thinks "trivial" is a "big wird". Which is true, if ye play Scrabble. Awright, awright! Ah'll gie tha jokes a rest... Calm doon! Anyway, it might dae me some guid wearin' summit a bit brighter, y'know? Like... Ah don't know - a high viz jacket or summit. :sarcastic:
This is getting repetitive but I quit my job... again (gave notice this time though). I'm going to be going to therapy, though. I just can't take anymore - SA was tough before but now it's making my worklife simply unbearable, and if I don't get help now it will never change and what am I going to do, run away from every job five months in?


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Ah wish ah wus confident an' guid lookin'... An', eh, happy in masel'. Oh! An' funny withoot tryin', that anaw.
Aw them would be buckin' great!


Well-known member
I wish I had a boyfriend :(

I want a girlfriend. Though I know the importance of trying to feel happy without anyone. Lately I have been a lot better about it. Also I feel like I'm just not the person I want to be yet. I'm getting there slowly.
I'm feeling very hopeful right now. I am slowly starting to remove myself from my shell and I can see the sun peering through the clouds more day by day. I am learning more and more how to love myself and allow others to do the same. I believe I will start a family some day because that is one of my goals. Also I'm extremely happy for having my Bachelors degree for this is something to be proud of myself for.


Well-known member
This is getting repetitive but I quit my job... again (gave notice this time though). I'm going to be going to therapy, though. I just can't take anymore - SA was tough before but now it's making my worklife simply unbearable, and if I don't get help now it will never change and what am I going to do, run away from every job five months in?
That's good that you're taking steps to ensure your next job will be more long-lasting. :) Did you give them a reason or did you just say you're quitting?

I wish I had a boyfriend :(
Patience, and you will find a nice man. :)

Watch out for Rudolph, he might be mega ticked for assuming you're zeroing in on his job.
I hear Santa is a fascist leader, so Rudolph can keep his low-paying job. ::p:


Well-known member
I want a girlfriend. Though I know the importance of trying to feel happy without anyone. Lately I have been a lot better about it. Also I feel like I'm just not the person I want to be yet. I'm getting there slowly.

I want to be a better person too. Its sometimes feel very alone when you don't have a person who can understand you and hold your hand. Anyways, life is what it is, and one shouldn't lose hope. I try to be happy for what I got.


Well-known member
I'm feeling very hopeful right now. I am slowly starting to remove myself from my shell and I can see the sun peering through the clouds more day by day. I am learning more and more how to love myself and allow others to do the same. I believe I will start a family some day because that is one of my goals. Also I'm extremely happy for having my Bachelors degree for this is something to be proud of myself for.
That's great:thumbup:

It is hard to love oneself when you so much issues, its good you feel hopeful, I wish I was more hopeful.


Well-known member
I really am nothing. I can't even get a simple job because they want someone with a driver's license.

I really am nothing.


Well-known member
Am I too much a pessimist ?! I wish I can be as hopeful and optimist as other people are. I am a bundle of contradiction. I agree with most of what they tell me, but I can't let go what I think, feel and fear.