Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


I've changed my mind about The Walking Dead. I'm on season 3. It's not a perfectly executed show by any means but in many ways it's still good. I'm really into it right now and am pretty invested in most of the characters. I don't know why some people complain they can't care about the characters - when certain people died I was definitely bothered.

Maybe it's because you've spent so much time with them?

I made it to the first episode of season 2 before I quit. The frustration with it had been building up to that for quite some time, though. I think my biggest issue was the writing... it was all over the place with way too many characters being introduced then killed off or abandoned or otherwise removed from the picture... which would have been fine if they weren't so much better as characters than the rest of the group.

When you have a lead character with no interesting flaws and then remove his only goal halfway through a short first season, it kills absolutely every reason to keep watching.

I'm currently watching Sons Of Anarchy and I'm similarly divided on it... they do a great job of ending the season with something that makes me want to keep watching. I'm at the beginning of season 3 and it has gotten more interesting and more focused than season 2, even though apparently 2 is the best. But I keep wishing it was more like The Shield, which was pretty much flawless.
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Well-known member
Just watching a good doc about Ellis Island. While they were letting most anyone through for the first few waves, even going so far as to give full medical attention to the sick, they then began testing for mental issues and people with anxiety and depression were deported back to their home countries. Some ladies aunt answered a question wrong she felt was silly "how many legs does a horse have", and she was deported back home only to be killed n the Holocaust. I find it horrible to think because I have these issues I would be deemed so unwell that they wouldn't want me in society. Ha and I wonder why I don't give a flying Fvck about society.
Something inside me aches when I read some of the posts by users in here expressing how they are struggling with life at the moment but I can't post a supportive/comforting reply to their posts because the depression has just sucked every bit of my mental energy.

I just can't think of anything to offer them for support and it makes me feel incompetent as a human being.

I can post cyber-Hugs to them, but that seems so insufficient relative to their suffering. :sad:

So to all whose posts I have read about their sadness at the moment, all I can say right now is I hope you start to feel better very soon.


Well-known member
I might be moving to Texas this Spring. For some reason I am remaining hopeful and optimistic. I really want these feelings to stay with me! I have found a lot of jobs that I might be able to work without too much grief *fingers crossed* and a lot of places to live that even meet my criteria-dogs OK..pool...exercise area...nice neighborhood...

Who knows if I end up there maybe it will be a good thing? Who knows...

I do think getting out of BFE might really help my mood. I love being a hermit but it might not be so good for me in the long run.

Not looking forward to ridiculously hot summers but a pool would make it bearable.


Well-known member
I just got Inception'd. I woke up from a dream where I was telling a workplace counselor that I'd had an accident with their new technology and had been in a dream where I was dreaming about dreaming. I only remember two layers, though: a dream about a dream.

... This isn't a dream, is it?


Pirate from the North Pole
I keep spending half my week-ends stuck in this loop "What should I do today. I need to go get these batteries at X. But I don't want to drive. I'm getting lazy, I should go snowboarding. But it's freezing. And far. I should probably call back Y since I've been avoiding her since weeks but I don't feel like seeing anyone and it's gonna waste all my afternoon. And I need to practice the guitar, or else I'll still suck in 5 years. I also have this painting I should finish before the paint dries. Or maybe I should just make coffee and read these articles about mass extinction. Man I really need to get these batteries and go play outside. I need to clean this apartment too... Ok I'll do yoga it's better than nothing, then I can play the guitar and read these articles. Damn I need to finish that painting..."

By the time I finally make up my mind it's like 4:00
I keep spending half my week-ends stuck in this loop "What should I do today. I need to go get these batteries at X. But I don't want to drive. I'm getting lazy, I should go snowboarding. But it's freezing. And far. I should probably call back Y since I've been avoiding her since weeks but I don't feel like seeing anyone and it's gonna waste all my afternoon. And I need to practice the guitar, or else I'll still suck in 5 years. I also have this painting I should finish before the paint dries. Or maybe I should just make coffee and read these articles about mass extinction. Man I really need to get these batteries and go play outside. I need to clean this apartment too... Ok I'll do yoga it's better than nothing, then I can play the guitar and read these articles. Damn I need to finish that painting..."

By the time I finally make up my mind it's like 4:00

In these moments it helps to make a hard schedule ahead time from which you don't sway. Dilute the tougher ones over the week and strategically put fun/laid back ones where you see fit.

It's so easy to get lost in it all. A little structure can go a long way.
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Well-known member
I keep spending half my week-ends stuck in this loop "What should I do today. I need to go get these batteries at X. But I don't want to drive. I'm getting lazy, I should go snowboarding. But it's freezing. And far. I should probably call back Y since I've been avoiding her since weeks but I don't feel like seeing anyone and it's gonna waste all my afternoon. And I need to practice the guitar, or else I'll still suck in 5 years. I also have this painting I should finish before the paint dries. Or maybe I should just make coffee and read these articles about mass extinction. Man I really need to get these batteries and go play outside. I need to clean this apartment too... Ok I'll do yoga it's better than nothing, then I can play the guitar and read these articles. Damn I need to finish that painting..."

By the time I finally make up my mind it's like 4:00

So true! :giggle:
Something inside me aches when I read some of the posts by users in here expressing how they are struggling with life at the moment but I can't post a supportive/comforting reply to their posts because the depression has just sucked every bit of my mental energy.

I just can't think of anything to offer them for support and it makes me feel incompetent as a human being.

I can post cyber-Hugs to them, but that seems so insufficient relative to their suffering. :sad:

So to all whose posts I have read about their sadness at the moment, all I can say right now is I hope you start to feel better very soon.

We're not always fit to helps others.

While it's hard to say so, on this site and others like it you're in the presence of a negative loop that doesn't ever quite stop. It slows down sometimes and things become a little more light hearted, but sooner or later it always pick up steam again.

It's not realistic to expect yourself to keep up with this loop at all times. It'll keep going, and when you get stuck in the loop yourself you have to allow yourself, on all levels, to not participate when you can't.

Not-helping is not being a bad person, it's being a neutral person. You don't owe anything to anyone - but it's great that you care.


Pirate from the North Pole
In these moments it helps to make a hard schedule ahead time from which you don't sway. Dilute the tougher ones over the week and strategically put fun/laid back ones where you see fit.

It's so easy to get lost in it all. A little structure can go a long way.

Yeah good advice. I picked one thing and took all the others off my brain. Ruining my painting right now. Remember when you asked how can people post pictures of unfinished artwork? Well sometimes it's because you just know that you're going to mess it up with the next step, so better show it off while it still looks like it could end up well. :p


I'm seriously convinced that the number one reason that climate change denialism exists is to protect the stock market from a catastrophic collapse.

It's going to be the major players gradually dumping their energy stocks over years while idiots debate the issue online, and the industrialists quietly restructure their companies to make sure they retain their power AND money. They'll just dump all of the stocks on the middle class, who have been forced into investments like that thanks to low interest rates. They did it in 2007 with the dodgy loans, and now it's going to happen again with energy stocks.

Part of me thinks that the current sell-off in oil is a large part of that, and that there isn't going to be a recovery. I honestly don't know how capitalism can keep going like this... the system cannot take any more wealth transfer to the 1%. I don't even mean it from an ethical standpoint-- I mean from an economic standpoint, wealth inequality is pushing the economy to a breaking point.

The whole system is constantly teetering on the brink of disaster, being attacked from every conceivable angle... environmentally, socially, economically. It's too much.

A crash with no resulting bailouts might actually be good for the economy.
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Well-known member
Doc appointment tomorrow.

Feeling pretty good lately. Way less anxious and actually feeling like I'm not trapped anymore, a load of self-improvement/ working on myself and really starting to like myself a hell of a lot more. Signed up for courses that I will start in a couple of months.
I'm seriously convinced that the number one reason that climate change denialism exists is to protect the stock market from a catastrophic collapse.

It's going to be the major players gradually dumping their energy stocks over years while idiots debate the issue online, and the industrialists quietly restructure their companies to make sure they retain their power AND money. They'll just dump all of the stocks on the middle class, who have been forced into investments like that thanks to low interest rates. They did it in 2007 with the dodgy loans, and now it's going to happen again with energy stocks.

Part of me thinks that the current sell-off in oil is a large part of that, and that there isn't going to be a recovery. I honestly don't know how capitalism can keep going like this... the system cannot take any more wealth transfer to the 1%. I don't even mean it from an ethical standpoint-- I mean from an economic standpoint, wealth inequality is pushing the economy to a breaking point.

The whole system is constantly teetering on the brink of disaster, being attacked from every conceivable angle... environmentally, socially, economically. It's too much.

A crash with no resulting bailouts might actually be good for the economy.
^I agree there is a perfect economic storm a-brewen for sure.
I think there has been far too much intrinsic damage done over the past 30 years for a "crash with no resulting bailouts might actually be good for the economy" to actually work though.
Also the 1% will never allow a crash to not be followed by a justified bailout. Come hell or high water, the will create a reason for it to be "justified" if they have to.
I think of it as...enjoy the earth and society as you know it now to the fullest, because all systems in it are going to decline. Hopefully it will happen slowly, but I have a gut feeling that there are simply too many people on earth for it to happen slowly unfortunately. :sad: