I've changed my mind about The Walking Dead. I'm on season 3. It's not a perfectly executed show by any means but in many ways it's still good. I'm really into it right now and am pretty invested in most of the characters. I don't know why some people complain they can't care about the characters - when certain people died I was definitely bothered.
Maybe it's because you've spent so much time with them?
I made it to the first episode of season 2 before I quit. The frustration with it had been building up to that for quite some time, though. I think my biggest issue was the writing... it was all over the place with way too many characters being introduced then killed off or abandoned or otherwise removed from the picture... which would have been fine if they weren't so much better as characters than the rest of the group.
When you have a lead character with no interesting flaws and then remove his only goal halfway through a short first season, it kills absolutely every reason to keep watching.
I'm currently watching Sons Of Anarchy and I'm similarly divided on it... they do a great job of ending the season with something that makes me want to keep watching. I'm at the beginning of season 3 and it has gotten more interesting and more focused than season 2, even though apparently 2 is the best. But I keep wishing it was more like The Shield, which was pretty much flawless.
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