Lav and Molly , c'mon guys... It's not cool to generalise/ be sexist. I doubt any of the men on this site have started any wars, and we as men have to deal with our own issues. We may not get PMS yet men have the highest suicide rates.
Women may not start wars but they do some horrific things nonetheless, such as infanticide.
Yet I doubt any of you have committed such an atrocity. So you see how stupid I would sound if I said 'all women are baby killers'.
I will also say (though you probably won't understand because of the nature of my point) men have to deal with testosterone flowing through our veins. It's part of us, it makes us male, and by it's very nature makes us aggressive.
Every day.
Yet we now live in a world were men are told we can't accept being aggressive dominant males. We have to be the opposite of what our genes set us out to be.
Men do good and bad.
So do women.
I agree, not all men are violent ****s. My husband is a very gentle man. Of the two of us I am way more assertive- but it doesn't stop me from wanting to stab him in the face from time to time (of course I'm joking when I say that because even when I'm mad, I love him.)
The facts are that there are a lot of men out there that are aggressive and scary. And while I appreciate your comparison to women who kill babies, I'm sure you will find that the instances of baby killings are lower than violent crimes (such as rape) perpetrated by violent men. Women are always at a physical disadvantage. We grow up in fear of male counterparts. We are taught to never walk alone at night, to carry mace, to live in fear of the boogie man- because if we aren't careful we could be victimized. It's scary. All guys may not be violent, and I am well aware that they aren't. I am lucky enough to have had a lot of great men in my life, but there are enough out there to make it a real threat.
You have to also accept that people's views are shaped by experience. You can't ask someone to NOT feel what they feel simply because it's not PC. If a person is bit by a dog, isn't it understanding that they might fear dogs, even if all dogs don't bite?
While I think it's reasonable for you to expect that someone would be able to judge you on your own actions only, you have to accept that there has been emotional damage done to some people, their views have been skewed by circumstance, and the best thing you can do as a male is to continue to show us your best side. Be the sweetest guy you can. You will help women see that there are good guys out there.
I would also like to note that there has been a lot of generalization on these boards about women too. I just read one yesterday about how "girls flake all the time" and I didn't say anything because while all women don't flake out all of the time, some do, and maybe it would help guys to think "hey, if she flakes out, don't take it personally, some women do that." On the same lines women have to think "Some men date rape people, be prepared for that."
Reality isn't always ideal.
Respect Brother!:thumbup: