Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

I've had plenty of pets in the past - including cats - and I cared about all of them, but I've never truly loved a pet the way I love the cat I have now. There's just something so special about her.

My cat isn't just "the family cat," she's a household member, as silly as that may sound. I literally feel like she's a member of the family. I look for her every morning when I wake up and I go and see her every night before bed, and wonder where she is frequently throughout the day if I'm home. If something ever happened to her I would feel as grieved as if I lost a human family member.

Maybe I really need a life... haha. But I really do love her. I definitely have a bond with her that never existed with my other cats. Everyone else in my house has said they feel the same way.
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It's still out, but I am getting around a little better and the spasms have stopped. Hard to sit, okay to stand, hard to walk. It's the darndest thing!

Ouch.. Have you considered having it checked out? Maybe something got like misaligned or something. If you can only really stand stationary, it sounds like there's maybe a finicky pressured area somewhere.

I hope it passes soon. Back and/or neck pain is the worst. :/


Well-known member
I just don't fit in. I tried a social running group again today. Some people hate me. I don't even ask for respect, just for my right to run to be respected.


Well-known member
Ouch.. Have you considered having it checked out? Maybe something got like misaligned or something. If you can only really stand stationary, it sounds like there's maybe a finicky pressured area somewhere.

I hope it passes soon. Back and/or neck pain is the worst. :/

Yep, I have gotten hardly anything done this week. I will probably call the Dr. I have another Chiropractor appt. this week. I hope it helps. If not I will definitely have to go in!

Hope everything with you is good :)


Well-known member
Wow, my mind has been blown.

I just got home from work and was slowly walking to my house when I look at the sky over my neighbors property and saw some lights. I was confused at first because it look like a tower but I didn't remember there being a tower in that direction. Then I saw that it was moving. Then I heard noise that sounded like a helicopter.

There was a light on front being used like a search light, and the usual red and green lights on the tail like a helicopter or plane. But there was one difference. This aircraft was invisible. Yeah, I swear I could see right through it as if there was nothing there. It was flying kind of low too.

Me being kind of oblivious to the world, I didn't know that technology that good actually existed and is being tested/practiced with. And in Indiana? Bizarre.

Anyway, it was pretty cool and a freaky thing to see at 10:20PM at night after getting home from work.

I'm just glad it wasn't aliens coming to abduct me.
I ate a smoked piece of meat and chewed on it until only the white fat part remained.. But then when I swallowed it, it got stuck in my throat like a piece of gum.

..Remember kids, don't chew your food.
In some courts of law the victim can get a chance to read out their "Victim Impact Statement"

I believe there should be a Website that is solely dedicated to being a place that victims of serious bullying can post how the bullying has impacted and/or destroyed various aspects of their life.

There needs to be more done to make society aware of the devastating and sometimes life long damage that serious bullying can have on children/people.

In addition, I just realized I added the word "serious" before bullying up there in my post and it occurred to me that I felt the need to do that because of past experiences where I have been told to just "get over it".

That would be the whole point of the Website, to try and make people who minimise and ignore the seriousness of it's affect on some people, to understand if it was that easy to "get over it" then there would not be so many people suffering the consequences for many, many years after the bullying.
Reading about how some women think it's unfair to be expected to wear a bra every day (partially sparked by Rihanna's recent sheer dress attention stunt).

I'm torn. On one hand, I can be very conservative when it comes to stuff like that - I believe in modesty and not presenting yourself in a sexualized way.

But on the other hand, what makes something sexualized in the first place? Are the feminists right? Why DO I have to wear a bra? Are nipples really that... titillating? (sorry, I had to)

I guess this belongs in the "adults only" section and will probably get deleted or something, but I don't think there's a random thoughts thread there...


Well-known member
^ Sounds like extremist Jezebel feminazis (gag), not feminists. That is the problem with extremist feminists, they think everyone should act like an animal without dignity/accountability and parade it around under the guise of "tolerance". These people are a detriment to our society causing confusion and misguidance especially to our youth who is susceptible. And it's not that seeing a nipple is so shocking, but it is the door of unwanted things that it attracts. Maintain your standards. "You will recognize them by their fruits,"... one word: Rihanna. Just my 2 cents.

And by fruit I mean that metaphorically, not physically, pervos!


Pirate from the North Pole
I'm waiting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Of course with the luck I've been having lately, it's probably going to be a train, but what the hell, I don't care