Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


in a VAN down by the RIVER
Dude... your avatar has a mullet. Awesomeness!



Keep on being radical.


Well-known member
reality reality he he heee goodbye sanity

i really just have to wonder how a person can get so close to normal and then so easily lose it all . i see no way out and mayvbe itd be best to stop caring

Yep, full flave all the way ma man! haha! Don't forget the skoal bandits ;) (oh, eighties, you were just too cool!)

Skoal bandits? Bleh! I ain't puttin' no tampon in my mouth! Skoal fine-cut wintergreen all the way. Well... from 1994 to 2005 when grizzly fine cut wintergreen came out at less than half the price. Anyway, I digress.

*puts enormous boom-box onto shoulder so he can continue partying like it's the 80s*
Defragmenting my computer harddrive takes freakin' forever. It takes an hour to prepare, and another hour to do the actual defragmentation. It's luckily mostly automatic, but still.


Well-known member
Skoal bandits? Bleh! I ain't puttin' no tampon in my mouth!

*puts enormous boom-box onto shoulder so he can continue partying like it's the 80s*
I about spit my coffee on my lap top! :lol: Oh eighties, you magnificent era. You taught me to "RUN" when the cops showed up at a party, and you taught me wear neon. You sick sick decade! haha!

Well, back to the .... what are we calling this? The teens?

Maybe tonight we will take on the ninties? :D


Well-known member
At this point the thing that bothers me most about life it's that life seems to be the same stuff happening over and over and every road is a dead end.

Even if you travel the world you cannot escape yourself.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
At this point the thing that bothers me most about life it's that life seems to be the same stuff happening over and over and every road is a dead end.

Even if you travel the world you cannot escape yourself.

Aye, ah know what ye mean. Seems ye take yer issues wi' ye, no matter where ye go. Sorry, didnae mean tae make things mair depressin' by sayin' that. :sad: