tl,dr petty nonsense...
Staring is so rude. The other day some girl in my class was just staring at me while the teacher was talking. I could feel her eyes on my eyes so I looked back at her, expecting that to cause her to disengage... but she didn't look away! And that made me instantly so angry inside, which was probably expressed in involuntary minute facial movements of seething hostility... which probably made me look weirder to the girl. It made me so angry! LOOK SOMEWHERE ELSE. Then even when she did look elsewhere I still felt this magnetism in my eyes to see, "DID SHE LOOK AWAY? SHE BETTER HAVE LOOKED AWAY," in my peripheral vision. This was one of those high anxiety trigger situations for me: a ton of people in a small room, standing in a circle, facing each other. I had no where to turn my eyes for privacy, no escape route.
Maybe she is a lesbian? Idk. Just needed to vent that.