A giant pile of warm furry cat fur - preferably attached to the cats still - would be nice, thank you. It's weird, and there are claws, but the cuteness is calling to me.
I feel frighteningly desolate tonight.
I was thinking of starting a "Bitchy April's" Thread
you don't have a cat???
But hopefully he'll correct me if I'm wrong.
Conjunction! :thumbdown:
I've been testing some hypotheses about my caffeine comsumption.
Last week I only drank 1.8 litres in the week, my anxiety was reduced.
This weekend, I drank 3 litres in one day, and a large bottle before going to sleep. My anxious thoughts went into orbit, and I couldn't sleep.
It's a repeating pattern, and I know that crap is bad for me.
It was in about 2000, before I had anxiety, I was overweight (90kg) and depressed. I started a diet which recommended cutting out sugary drinks, so I stopped drinking orange juice, and starting drinking Diet Cola. I lost weight, but I go addicted to the caffeine.
My anxiety started, and in 2002, I had my first panic attack. There seems to be a strong link to caffeine and my anxiety and panic disorder.
\Caffeine will definitely make you more anxious. But for me, it's the only thing that keeps my brain running. lol
If you can cut it out completely-do it!
I really wish I could figure out what it is I'm trying to say, because I'm tired of stagnating, doing the same things for years, and I want to change certain things in my life, I just don't think I can. Everyone else can go through life doing what they want and act like everything is going great, why can't I?
There are plenty of other things I'd like to address, that's just the most common thought I have lately. Every other thought I can't articulate as well as I want to in order to perhaps get some advice from someone. I don't know anymore.
Create a thread of the things you want to change in your life but don't think that you can. Then other members can chime in. It sounds like life has become bland and unexciting. What are your interests. What would you like to be doing with you life...okay, so you don't want to be doing what you're doing now. That's a start. Have you tried dating?...Finding a partner would shake things up a bit.
I'll do that as soon as I'm able to list them with enough detail. Yes, life has always seemed bland to me, with a few fun moments, but those moments seem very few and far between, all buried in countless uneventful days. My philosophy on existence is very bleak, I'm sure that has something to do with it all. I have a few interests, mostly music, but lately I've felt so drained creatively, and obviously that's discouraging.
I've never tried dating, that's a whole other issue. Loneliness, my favorite pastime. I think for now, I should worry more about finding a job, working out, anything that would help my self-esteem so that something like that wouldn't bother me. Is it bad that I hate using the term "self-esteem"? Anyway, I'll try to take some time to list the things I really want to change about myself, and see if I can get anywhere from there.
what are some examples? (unless you mean you sneak into aged care homes at afternoon tea time??)
I went out late to buy a pizza. I ran into a group of people who'd been out drinking too much by the sound of it. A woman asked " can I have some of your pizza?" "No I'm hungry," I answered. "My god you're ugly," the woman screamed at me.
^ Caffeine is really terrible for anxiety, hopefully you can eventually cut it out completely, or at least greatly reduce it. I don't know about you, but I am really caffeine sensitive. I actually forgot how bad I was until I had some black tea the other night. (I thought it was decaffeinated, but it wasn't.) Tasted great, but I didn't go to bed until 2am. My brain was slammed with anxious thoughts and I was shaking from anxiety/caffeine rush, kept me up for a few hours and resulted in a headache. Bleh, I usually try and stay far away from caffeine, since we don't get along, never have.I've been testing some hypotheses about my caffeine comsumption.
Last week I only drank 1.8 litres in the week, my anxiety was reduced.
This weekend, I drank 3 litres in one day, and a large bottle before going to sleep. My anxious thoughts went into orbit, and I couldn't sleep.
It's a repeating pattern, and I know that crap is bad for me.
It was in about 2000, before I had anxiety, I was overweight (90kg) and depressed. I started a diet which recommended cutting out sugary drinks, so I stopped drinking orange juice, and starting drinking Diet Cola. I lost weight, but I go addicted to the caffeine.
My anxiety started, and in 2002, I had my first panic attack. There seems to be a strong link to caffeine and my anxiety and panic disorder.