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Please tell me I'm not the only one who freaks out over fruit flies. I just find them so horridly disgusting, they freak me out. As soon as I see one it makes me want to go on a cleaning rampage. I find them worse than the typical house fly. Ugh... *shudders*

Yes, totally agree. In matter of fact, there's a gross story that happened just a few weeks ago (back in the summer) related to fruit flies.

At work there was this apple pie they had left on the tablet, but since it was warm the smell really travelled.

So I pick this thing up to take it out of the heat, and out come flying like several dozen fruit flies. It was covered absolutely covered in them. Naturally I went down to the kitchen to throw it away when I saw that, but when I told them what had happened, they didn't allow me to.

Instead they simply put it in the fridge, after it had been covered in bugs, to be eaten later. It was a little shocking so the cooks of all people be so lacks about it.
See Why We Have An Absolutely Ridiculous Standard Of Beauty In Just 37 Seconds

I already knew, but I thought it was a good illustration. :thumbup:
^ :sad:

At work today, an eight year old girl was wearing her dancing uniform - some kind of skin-tight leotard with a skirt - and a teacher walked by her and commented on how nice she looked. The eight year old said, "I feel fat in this uniform."

I stopped walking. The teacher said, "what did you say?" and she repeated. The teacher said, "are you crazy?" This girl - who'll I'll repeat is eight years old - was nowhere near fat. She was actually a healthy weight and looked fine, but I guess she's seen too many celebrity stick-figures and feels fat in her leotard. I guess the media influences girls of all ages. :thumbdown:
^:sad: They have done studies and found that many girls as young as 5yrs old know what a "diet" is, and some have actually dieted! : (


Well-known member
^:sad: They have done studies and found that many girls as young as 5yrs old know what a "diet" is, and some have actually dieted! : (
That's so bad. It's just that this girl was not fat by any stretch of the imagination, but she perceived herself as fat because of what she's seeing on TV and magazines. How can a five year old diet when her parents are feeding her? It doesn't make sense.

Nothing wrong with a little bit of meat on the bones! :thumbup:
...How can a five year old diet when her parents are feeding her? It doesn't make sense....
^It's the parents (usually the mother) that teach them about dieting and tell them...."If you eat too much ice-cream, you will get fat like "insert overweight family member's name" Or..... "You can't eat a whole bowl of chips!, your butt will get so big the girls at gymnastics will tease you darling"
The fear of food and dread of being even slightly overweight can start from seeing the mother's behaviour and listening to her "instructions" : (
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Well-known member
^It's the parents (usually the mother) that teach them about dieting and tell them...."If you eat too much ice-cream, you will get fat like "insert overweight family member's name" Or..... "You can't a whole bowl of chips!, your butt will get so big the girls at gymnastics will tease you darling"
The fear of food and dread of being even slightly overweight starts from seeing the mother's behaviour and listening to her "instructions" : (
Ah, okay. I guess the mother has good intentions - have a healthy, fit daughter - but it seems to backfire and cause eating disorders.


Well-known member
Yes, totally agree. In matter of fact, there's a gross story that happened just a few weeks ago (back in the summer) related to fruit flies.

At work there was this apple pie they had left on the tablet, but since it was warm the smell really travelled.

So I pick this thing up to take it out of the heat, and out come flying like several dozen fruit flies. It was covered absolutely covered in them. Naturally I went down to the kitchen to throw it away when I saw that, but when I told them what had happened, they didn't allow me to.

Instead they simply put it in the fridge, after it had been covered in bugs, to be eaten later. It was a little shocking so the cooks of all people be so lacks about it.
^ Ack! Amazes me how people feel about the things, like it's no big deal. I can't stand it.

Last night I made some sausage for dinner and left one patty on the plate on the counter while I ate. We've had a few fruit flies around lately since we still had some veggie scraps in our little scrap bucket that's attached to the cutting board. They're fruit flies, and because I saw the few of them, I figured nothing would be bothered since I already set up the apple cider vinegar jar to drown them in. Little did I know they had actually multiplied and they apparently like meat more than vinegar. :| I came out a half hour later to put away the sausage only to see it covered in fruit flies like they were having a party. Ahhh! Sick! Needless to say I set up another jar of vinegar, got rid of the scraps, and the dog got a nice piece of sausage last night for dinner, all the while with me freaking out. My mom was cracking up. I don't know why she thinks it's so funny. They creep me out!


Active member
I feel very weird and uncomfortable of myself. I wanted to study but I can't focus, so I surf the Internet instead. It's time to sleep but I'm straining myself in front of my laptop, I think I might have internet addiction and ADHD...
Keep bragging about getting to see the future before us in the other time zones... keep it up, Mikey, watch what happens! :mad:

I will watch what happens, and I'll be ready hours in advance from you Americans. :bigsmile:
^ :giggle:

Sometimes my mind wonders off into a parallel life that I would have lived if I had not developed SA.
I can't stop thinking about how different my life would be now if I had done all the things that I was prevented from doing because of the symptoms of it.
A potentially happy or at least contented life, wasted. :/


Well-known member
Sometimes my mind wonders off into a parallel life that I would have lived if I had not developed SA.
I can't stop thinking about how different my life would be now if I had done all the things that I was prevented from doing because of the symptoms of it.
A potentially happy or at least contented life, wasted. :/
It's not wasted yet! I hope you can find some happiness. *bigmegahugs*