why are women so obsessed with being married? ----
its become so annoying i almost want to hide her posts.
Ahh!! I watch way too many wedding shows on TLC- I don't think I'll be that obsessed if I do one day actually find someone who'd want to marry me.
I kind of envy people who can get so excited and giddy-- and spend SO MUCH MONEY for one day when the divorce rate is so high. A couple can be loyal to eachother and love eachother so much without that piece of paper and $20,000 wedding, so why do it?
If I can get married some day... it'll be one witness, one internet certified minister, myself and the fool who is marrying me (who would though? he'd have to be a fool XD)- ontop of a mountain.
Nothing fancy- just something private and romantic. That's the way to go, I think...
And don't invite any family members or friends because if you invite one- the rest will be insulted that they weren't invited.
Yep~ that's my plan if the day ever comes. I was with a guy for 8 years and didn't even think about getting married. I thought being together was enough... but he wanted to get married, so I said sure-- and then he broke up with me. How lovely~ <3