Lately I've been feeling that I don't really have any SA related problem (thought I had some avoidance traits), maybe I'm just lazy, a coward that can't talk to girls I fancy, a guy that can't do small talk and some trust issues possibly out of embarrassment.
On an unrelated note I think I can't get a good night of sleep if I don't have good dreams (as in quality wise, not really about dream/nightmare). I've been having very bland dreams lately that reach a point where the story can't progress any further and I just wake up. Then I have trouble going back to sleep because there's nothing for me to think about, be it weird or not, that will turn to a dream when I fall asleep again. And that somehow makes it harder for me to fall asleep again. Then the dream I have is pretty bland too and the same thing will happen again, and I'll wake up 30 minutes later.
Usually my mind is completely crazy at night so I don't have problems with that, if I wake up (which happens pretty much every night) then I'll fall back asleep after checking what time it is and continue the dream or start a new one.
Oh well, maybe it's just the med I've been taking before bed, it's supposed to relax my muscles and it helps me fall asleep faster as well, but somehow I end up waking up at 4am and the process I described starts happening. Yesterday was the last day on the med though so we'll see if it was because of that.