Well-known member
The grammar in that sentence just didn't seem right to me.:reading:
GraybeardGrammarNazi sez :thumbup:
Still kind of a depressing sentiment, though.
The grammar in that sentence just didn't seem right to me.:reading:
Great work, Sri.I just made a phone call to a potential friend and we chatted for half an hour. I was so hesitent over making it but I'm glad I didn't listen to my anxiety. He seemed very happy and also said that he'd never guessed I'd call him myself. Maybe its because I was in a good mood though and I know its no big of a deal but nevertheless I feel accomplished.![]()
The grammar in that sentence just didn't seem right to me.:reading:
Great work, Sri.Reward yourself if you can.
Thank you both.That's awesome.![]()
I'm sorry Kiwong. I can understand how it'd make you feel. But try not to let it get to you too much. Its the anxiety and overthinking that makes these things seem like a huge deal in our head, when often they aren't. Maybe a little distraction would be helpful right now?
Well I've been thinking about shaving my head......
My hair at its longest is about 12 inches but I'm beginning to thin out at the top. And I mean it's thinning! I don't want to walk around with a beautiful lush jungle around the sides & back and a barren wasteland on top.
It's not there yet, but it's coming soon. Like the apocalypse.
I'd rather end it all.
I'd kill all life up there, just to make it fair. I'm talking total destruction.
Curse my genetics!
Whatever. Going to live in a cave - ALONE. Other animals are so much more interesting, anyway.
I really want to hit the water this summer. I REALLY need to be on a boat again, or at least some sort of water... craft. If I can't do an actual boat trip, kayaking sounds pretty appealing. Kayaking and... hiking!
That's it, I'm going. Even if I go alone and get lost in the woods forever.
...okay, not really. But maybe I can convince someone to go with me.
I have an essay due tomorrow, which I'm precisely 0 words through.
Earlier this evening, I was folding laundry and some unidentified evil flew into my eye. I frantically poured water in my eye, rubbed, blinked, nothing would budge it. After an hour of this, called my sister. A reasonably ill-conceived plan as she, like me, has a sort of eye phobia. She wasn't a fan of my wait-and-see-i'd-rather-go-blind-than-go-to-the-hospital approach and bullied me into submission.
I HATE the hospital, for so many reasons! It's so embarrassing, it triggers my SA, it triggers my OCD, I hate it. I know that nobody likes going to hospital, but really, it's like some fresh hell for me. Got there, spoke to the receptionist, literally, half-way through giving my details, whatever was stuck in my eye dislodged. So awkward. Instead of just telling them, I sat there for five or ten minutes with my sister just to be sure, then had the embarrassment of telling them it was gone after all.
During the journey home, my sister agreed it was a thoroughly wasted journey and in future we will give all injuries at least an extra thirty minutes of wait-it-out before considering medical treatment.
Part of a therapy assignment is to make an apple out of clay and then write a poem about it. Would anyone care to write it for me?
Interesting exercise. What's the purpose?