I just feel flat - dejected, jaded.
I am tired of only being good enough for a 'friend'
Yes. That is me. Jaded. That is the word that describes my existence. Jaded.
Many people don't want to even be as much as a friend. Male or female alike, for the longest time this bothered me (stick with me, there's point to this). I never understood why that was, and still don't. This made me angry to the extend where I blamed people. All people.
But, was that ever the proper response? Was I really angry at them? Was I really angry at myself? I've come to realize that no, neither were to blame. Not directly, anyway. I was angry at the circumstance and the results that promoted from them. Circumstances and results I could only influence marginally, were I to dedicate my life to it. And that wasn't worth it to me. At a certain point you start looking objectively. "What am I, whom are others, what happens when both of them come together and could I potentially change that?"
If your observations are correct, and you are a jaded person, then jaded be you. Learn to get comfortable in it. Because if like me you can't help or change what you project outward, the circumstances- and therefore the results, won't change. You might be jaded, people think of me as weird, the homeless person under the bridge might be considered crazy, these are all things if they can't be beat have to be lived with. And note that
lived with doesn't mean
live with despite of [X]. It means learning to accept it to the point where you can say "This is part of me, and I'm fine with it.".
Dealing with problems becomes a lot easier once you've learned to stop fighting yourself.